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Real Poll: Most Evil Person in History?

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  • What makes Ghengis Kahn a bad guy while Alexander is a good guy? arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


    • Pol Pot by far. He masterminded the genocide of 1/4 of the Cambodgian population in 4 years. He's much worse than Hitler, or than Stalin-likes IMHO :
      Hitler thought he would achieve greater good for his people by genociding another people (I vomit this logic, but at least there is some logic).
      Stalin, Mao, Ghengis etc. genocided for to get more power, or keep their power. It's a very classic way since the dawn of time.
      Pol Pot genocided his people for their greater good. The kill count can seem unimpressive, with "only" 2 million deaths, but the motivation is even more waco than Hitler's (I say this though I'm from Jewish ascent and not Cambodgian). A really evil and faatical man, worse than anything I know of.
      "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
      "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
      "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


      • OK.

        1) I signed on here after a year of lurking around here after being on the Civ Fanatics site for 3 months, never being unable to post replies, and my attempts to tell anybody (emails etc) not working. Then, I used to spend my time going between Civ Fanatics site and this one. Anyway, what else will I do at work?

        2) I deliberatly put 'flavour of the month' evil people to see how easily swayed you all are by media manipulation.

        3) Actully, more than anything else, Hitler modled himself on Russia! His SS was a rip-off of Ivan the Terrible's Ophkrina, his consentration camps form Stalin's gulags, and his 'Night of the Long Knives' on classic Russian popagons in the 1900's-1910's. He just appided modern technology and German efficancy to it.

        4) Most Evil Person a nobody?
        I agree. Unfortuntly, the poll would be screwed if we all thaught some nobody was the most evil person in the world. Really, the poeple on the poll are the evil and and in a position of power to do so.

        5) Is anyone evil?
        Who knows? Perhaps there is no such thing as 'evil'. Perhaps their minds are not screwed on correctly, and they thing they are doing good.

        6) Now, you have annoyed me! RE- Imran Siddiqui's comments.

        a) Nowerdays, most of 'Country and Western' music, along with most of the Music scene, means nothing to the artists execpt to make money! I am aginst ALL manufactured music (pop, 'rock', rap, etc)

        b) George W. Bush is a ******. Read Micheal Moores 'Stupid White Men'. And get the UK version. His US publisher made him censor his book. Visit to see (and read) the truth!
        George W. Bush, when asked of his fave childhood book, said 'The Very Hungury Catapillar'. Fine, exept it was first published a year after he left college! C'mon, it would explain the strange, stilted syntax, his appaling blunders which do not just affect you lot in the US but the rest of the world, and his mother's support of children's illitracy program. It is nothing more than having a imbsile as a son to get you more aware of the problems.

        NB. I like parts of the US. Grunge. Dr Pepper. Your consitition. the Simpsons. Your love of fatty foods. etc.

        7) God evil?
        Actully, Allah and God are the same. So he/her/it is resonible for more deaths, if he/her/it was real.

        8) Stalin most evil person?
        Call me simple, but Stalin went in for one reason only - the death of Trosky. He could of changed the world.

        9) Least evil person in history? Too nice.

        10) Does nobody like Stalin?
        There is a Stalin appreation society in the UK.

        11) Yes. George W. Bush is to simple to be evil.

        12) Viking raiders most evil?
        Perhaps, but they were rather isolated acts of evil compared to Caligula, Ghengis Khan or others.

        13) Alexander vs Ghengis Khan
        Alexander did not get cities to surrender, then to kill them all. not nice. Dont like lying either.

        My vote went on Ghengis Khan. He destroyed, perhaps for ever, the superiorty of the Islamic world over the Christian.
        Last edited by Silpy; December 12, 2002, 07:33.
        How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?


        • Yup, the mob is the most evil, without them, evildoers would be killing relative handfuls of people. There you have it, Democracy is the pinnacle of evil.


          • It's Cherie Blair. It says so in the Daily Mail.


            • Are you sure that it didn't say most horrific looking instead?
              I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
              For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


              • Evil? Can't tell ya. Everyone had ppl backing them who didn't think they were evil. The victors write the history.


                • Are you sure that it didn't say most horrific looking instead?
                  If your a famous woman, then it's all the same to the Daily Mail.

                  This is the paper that accused her of disrespect by not wearing a hat to the Queen's jubilee.

                  But I digress.... on with the thread...

