I agree that most settler will remain as they are, but since most settlers live in a few huge settlements right outside Jerusalem, this is compatible wit thinking that almost all the settlements will go, sicne the vast majority are small. As for Arab states paying Israel for Jewsih land: I hardly see that happening. Besides the fact that that would open Israel to Palestinian claims for reparations, ususally money is left as awater under the bridge.
NOw, as for the negotiating partners. I agree that the PA as was constitutted aftre Oslo is corrupt and inept. It was Arafst's way of staying in power with hiw Tunis gang, and he has never had the will to take on Hamas unless Hamas was directly threatening his power. As long as this PA exists, moderat Palestinians will notcome to fore since they will be outmanuevered. BUt Odin and Cyber are right that Sharon is sabotaging the peace process. You ask why, well simple, because the right in israeli doesn't want a peace that ends with either a Pal. state or Pals. as Isrealis. They want a peace that ends with the Palestinians as second class individuals in a Jewish state covering all of the 1947 Mandate region, or a Mandate region free of Arabs period, for the more radical ones. Since most of the Israeli public does want to eventualy get out of these occupied regions and get on with their lives free of the huge sacrifices they must bear for "Greater Israel", the Right can't move openly. But look at how successful they have been at gaining greater support by stalling peace. The peace camp is broken and the enemies of any further peace are in power. In fact, the only things holding the right back now is the US, so intent on making preparations for its coming war in Iraq that it will not brook any outrageous acts by Sharon, and no Israeli leader will do anyting to threaten Israeli-US ties.
I agree that most settler will remain as they are, but since most settlers live in a few huge settlements right outside Jerusalem, this is compatible wit thinking that almost all the settlements will go, sicne the vast majority are small. As for Arab states paying Israel for Jewsih land: I hardly see that happening. Besides the fact that that would open Israel to Palestinian claims for reparations, ususally money is left as awater under the bridge.
NOw, as for the negotiating partners. I agree that the PA as was constitutted aftre Oslo is corrupt and inept. It was Arafst's way of staying in power with hiw Tunis gang, and he has never had the will to take on Hamas unless Hamas was directly threatening his power. As long as this PA exists, moderat Palestinians will notcome to fore since they will be outmanuevered. BUt Odin and Cyber are right that Sharon is sabotaging the peace process. You ask why, well simple, because the right in israeli doesn't want a peace that ends with either a Pal. state or Pals. as Isrealis. They want a peace that ends with the Palestinians as second class individuals in a Jewish state covering all of the 1947 Mandate region, or a Mandate region free of Arabs period, for the more radical ones. Since most of the Israeli public does want to eventualy get out of these occupied regions and get on with their lives free of the huge sacrifices they must bear for "Greater Israel", the Right can't move openly. But look at how successful they have been at gaining greater support by stalling peace. The peace camp is broken and the enemies of any further peace are in power. In fact, the only things holding the right back now is the US, so intent on making preparations for its coming war in Iraq that it will not brook any outrageous acts by Sharon, and no Israeli leader will do anyting to threaten Israeli-US ties.