I'm against the total privatization of Social Security because it puts peoples' possible retirement money in the hands of the stock market and corporate America. Ask the folks who lost their life savings in supposed 'retirement' 401ks in the latest rash of Enrons. I have an alternative idea. Hopefully not too many trolls will comment. I'd like to hear intelligent arguments for or against this idea.
The US government (to my knowledge) has a federal bank which issues loans to big business. Why not create a program where people get mortgages from the federal government at say between 6-8%. Half of the total interest paid goes into a pension/nest egg fund that people can use after they retire. The other half can be used to pay for the program, etc. This would be a productive use of the enormous sums of money that Americans pay in interest to banks. Instead of this money going into the bank's pocket, it provides a stable alternative to Social Security, and it makes government work for the people instead of big business.
I'm not an economist or anything, and I am not about to work up a huge plan with specifics, but what do you guys think of this idea? People would not be paying the 10-12% income tax for Social Security, and would still have a very stable means of providing for their retirement without putting any trust into the crapshoot known as the stock market.
I know that this will only help out people who buy homes, but its a great start, I think.
The US government (to my knowledge) has a federal bank which issues loans to big business. Why not create a program where people get mortgages from the federal government at say between 6-8%. Half of the total interest paid goes into a pension/nest egg fund that people can use after they retire. The other half can be used to pay for the program, etc. This would be a productive use of the enormous sums of money that Americans pay in interest to banks. Instead of this money going into the bank's pocket, it provides a stable alternative to Social Security, and it makes government work for the people instead of big business.
I'm not an economist or anything, and I am not about to work up a huge plan with specifics, but what do you guys think of this idea? People would not be paying the 10-12% income tax for Social Security, and would still have a very stable means of providing for their retirement without putting any trust into the crapshoot known as the stock market.
I know that this will only help out people who buy homes, but its a great start, I think.