But Slovenia will soon be part of the EU and won't have to cross a border
I can already enter Italy without a passport, just with my personal ID card, so being out of EU cant stop me from traveling it if I want to

to go to a nearby beach, so they'll have nearby beaches.

Slovenians always went and will go to Croatia to spend the summer
Northeast coast of Italy is very very polluted because of the heavy industry there, and river Po brings even more crap from further away.. it is probably the most poluted area of adriatic sea

why do you think Italians go to Croatia en masse

Croatia on the other hand still has to do quite a bit homework before they can think about joining the EU.
we dont want to enter decadent EU empire anyway

I was in Graz this weekend. Nothing changed for the better since I was there last time. I saw signs of deterioration, decadence and despair - there were some FIATs on the roads

Yes, even Stilos. That is how much Austrians have sunk
