Originally posted by jimmytrick
Well Boris. It would be fair to say that few saw Hitler as being as serious a threat in the 30s as he turned out to be.
Well Boris. It would be fair to say that few saw Hitler as being as serious a threat in the 30s as he turned out to be.
I still fail to see how Iraq's complete disregard for the agreements that ended the Gulf War do not translate into a "just cause".
Regardless, I don't see that as "just cause" because, frankly, I don't think the first war was adequately justified. So the causes haven't become suddenly just with passage of time.
Seems like willful blindness on the part of the anti-war crowd.
If you think an invasion of Iraq is a mistake, then say so. It's certainly a justifiable view.
But don't bull**** people by claiming that the US is morally wrong in this case. Talk about intellectual dishonesty...