Originally posted by The Vagabond
It seems to me the following configuration works out nicely:
A has 2 red stamps; B -- 1 red and 1 green stamps; C -- 2 green stamps. (Or else, A has 2 green stamps while C has 2 red stamps.)
It seems to me the following configuration works out nicely:
A has 2 red stamps; B -- 1 red and 1 green stamps; C -- 2 green stamps. (Or else, A has 2 green stamps while C has 2 red stamps.)
When A says "no", that reveals to B that he is not GG, and therefore must have at least one R.
B can only see two Rs, therefore says "no". This reveals to C that he can not have a red. Else B would have seen 3Rs and known that he was GR and would have said "yes".
Knowing that he can't be RR or RG, C says "Yes" - he is GG
Still working on the answer...