Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
Are you really this stupid? You don't put a person in prison for life for a misdemeanor or even a minor felony. You save the worst punishment for the worst crimes. The same concept applies to human rights violations. You don't invade a country unless the violations are particularly heinous. You can call it "moral relativism", but I call it common sense.
Even if the crimes are heinous, you have to actually be able to build support for the intervention and carry it out. In Rwanda we couldn't build support. And we aren't powerful enough to intervene in China. There go the two most used examples of American "inconsistency".
Here comes that moral relavatism again. So which is it...we stand up for all human rights abuses, or we adhere to relavatism? Clearly Tunisia is an oppresive regime, albeit somewhat better than its neighbors. Why aren't we invading?
Are you really this stupid? You don't put a person in prison for life for a misdemeanor or even a minor felony. You save the worst punishment for the worst crimes. The same concept applies to human rights violations. You don't invade a country unless the violations are particularly heinous. You can call it "moral relativism", but I call it common sense.
Even if the crimes are heinous, you have to actually be able to build support for the intervention and carry it out. In Rwanda we couldn't build support. And we aren't powerful enough to intervene in China. There go the two most used examples of American "inconsistency".