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Bloodbath in Gaza

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  • In anycase, it doesn't surprise me a single bit that the Pro-Palestinians are arguing without inspecting the facts. I doubt CyberGnu knows what this thread is about, but he's happy to jump in.
    More baseless accusations?

    Well, since you weren't man enough to put your money where your mouth is last time, I'm going to assume you are not man enough here either.
    Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


    • I haven't read the first bit of this thread. Nary a post. Don't need to. Israel is justified to do whatever it needs to do.


      • As for the facts:

        Again, you are killing me!!!!

        Playtime again kids! This weeks 'fill in the blank' is:

        Siro is to facts like
        A) Oil is to water
        B) Jerry Falwell is to Richard Simmons
        C) Kethup is to Pancakes
        Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


        • As for your interpretation of reality, Siro, try reading a newspaper once in a while.
          Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


          • I haven't read the first bit of this thread. Nary a post. Don't need to. Israel is justified to do whatever it needs to do.
            Heil Sharon!
            Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


            • Cyber, why don't you rest a while?

              You've been marching up and down this thread for so long, your arm is probably tired from being held up.

              As for newspapers, Cyber, I have nothing to read. You have banned every pro-Israeli article claiming it was unfounded nonsense.

              First it was just Jersualem Post, and then the rest of the Israeli media, and later Die Welt. I guess NYT and WP fall in the same category, as they tend to interview "secret Israeli security officials" once in a while.


              • Tell me, Cyber, if you're such a terribly moral person, it must run in the family.

                What did your family do during WWII?
                Did they know any Jews?


                • Why would I march? I'm not Israeli.

                  If you bothered to read the previous thread, you would see that I never condemned Die Welt. I said they either made up or failed to check one particular story. I also wondered whether Die Welt is a jewish magazine. I know one of the major german language papers is a jewish publication, but I'm not sure which one it is. I asked for information regarding this.

                  Of course, all this fits in the 'facts' category, which you so vehemently object to.
                  Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                  • Seaking of which - I'm surprised your family even lived to see the end of WWII, assuming you are Swedish.

                    Given your high moral standards of resisting evil and occupation, your whole family should have died in freedom fighting against the Nazis, killing every last one of them with a rusty nail.

                    It appears that they haven't for some reason.

                    Given your logic - they are war criminals and nazi collaborators, since they did not do everything they could to resist the occupation.


                    • Tell me, Cyber, if you're such a terribly moral person, it must run in the family.

                      What did your family do during WWII?
                      Did they know any Jews?
                      No, my last name isn't Wallenberg, if that is what you were alluding to.

                      Since Sweden wasn't in the war, my grandparents didn't do much. My mothers father spent two years as an aircraft mechanic, IIRC. My fathers father spent two months riding the swedish railservice, due to a set of mixed up orders. In the end they let him go home to his farm.
                      Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                      • I said they either made up or failed to check one particular story. I also wondered whether Die Welt is a jewish magazine. I know one of the major german language papers is a jewish publication, but I'm not sure which one it is. I asked for information regarding this.

                        Oh right, Jews rule the media, and are all vehemently Zionist - I forgot.

                        No difference of opinion exists in the Jewish world, as we all must follow Jahova to exterminate all non-jews.

                        Of course, all this fits in the 'facts' category, which you so vehemently object to.

                        You are right.

                        I appologize for trying to hide the huge Jewish conspiration.

                        Ladies and Gentleman - Jews are to blame for everything.


                        • Now see there what your aversion to facts have done to you...

                          I didn't think there was anyone on this board oblivious to the fact that Sweden was never occupied in WW2 (in fact, has never been occupied in all of history).

                          You really should try reading a newspaper once in a while.
                          Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                          • Since Sweden wasn't in the war, my grandparents didn't do much. My mothers father spent two years as an aircraft mechanic, IIRC. My fathers father spent two months riding the swedish railservice, due to a set of mixed up orders. In the end they let him go home to his farm.

                            But didn't they have your iron moral standards? To fight occupation where ever it lies, using a rusty nail?


                            • Oh right, Jews rule the media, and are all vehemently Zionist - I forgot.

                              No difference of opinion exists in the Jewish world, as we all must follow Jahova to exterminate all non-jews.
                              Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                              • I didn't think there was anyone on this board oblivious to the fact that Sweden was never occupied in WW2 (in fact, has never been occupied in all of history).

                                Where have I claimed Sweden was occupied?

                                I just figured, that if people who are complacent about the occupation of Palestine are war criminals, that people who were complacent about the occupation of Europe are war criminals too.

                                The reason I asked whether you are swedish was that if you were american it would have been much harder to actually participate in the war on your own.

