Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
Given the general political climate of the US in the last several decades, we'd have to add Yankee liberals to that list as well.
Given the general political climate of the US in the last several decades, we'd have to add Yankee liberals to that list as well.

You guys sold out blacks and reconstruction so you could buy a fradulent presidency without controversy (Tilden won
) to keep your patronage jobs. You also got to do plenty of subjugation of blacks, the Irish, Italians (remind me, where were Sacco and Vanzetti?) and other immigrants yourselves.
You didn't shoot our politicians because if you had pruned that crop, a more skilled crop would have been able to rise and give you more hell, and if you'd shot our generals, you wouldn't have had any skilled generals from which to learn. Anybody can win given unlimited manpower, unlimited material, damn near unlimited time, and a straight forward, plow into 'em approach, so don't tell me Sherman and Grant were worth a fair damn.

You didn't shoot our politicians because if you had pruned that crop, a more skilled crop would have been able to rise and give you more hell, and if you'd shot our generals, you wouldn't have had any skilled generals from which to learn. Anybody can win given unlimited manpower, unlimited material, damn near unlimited time, and a straight forward, plow into 'em approach, so don't tell me Sherman and Grant were worth a fair damn.
