Originally posted by Osweld
And I suppose that someone who is depressed would never want to have a scapegoat, an excuse, or just some way of geting comfort and support?

Have you ever been on any real anti-depressants? They're not all fun and games, they have some very real and very serious sideeffects, unlike Ritalin.
Yeah, it's under diagnosed because virtually everyone one the planet can be diagnosed with it.

Very few people can truly be diagnosed with it, especially stuff like bipolar, because it's episodic in nature...
And, since that I have been diagnosed with clincal depression, and fit the discription of manic deppresive, am I not qualified to talk on the subject?
Clincal depression is, for the most part, caused by a specific series of events in life that will depress you, not necessarily a true disorder.
What medication have you been on?
no one can know how other people think, and they really only have their own experiences to go by.