Originally posted by monkspider
The only thing that really ever made me question the moon landing was how scripted the astronauts dialogue was. "The Eagle has Landed", "A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind". It all sounded like some government pundit penned the whole thing.
I think the Onion's "Holy **** it's the ****ing moon, this is ****ing crazy" would be far more realistic.
The only thing that really ever made me question the moon landing was how scripted the astronauts dialogue was. "The Eagle has Landed", "A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind". It all sounded like some government pundit penned the whole thing.
I think the Onion's "Holy **** it's the ****ing moon, this is ****ing crazy" would be far more realistic.
I'm pretty sure some government pundit did pen it. IIRC, the whole thing was scripted well beforehand (not the landing, the dialogue).