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Pyramids Secret Chambers Revealed on NGC.

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  • #46
    That Sphinx thing is still a matter of some debate, IIRC. Geologists themselves are split over how that erosion pattern came to pass; most evidence points to water, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it had to be rainwater. And if it were rainwater, it could mean that an older tribe hollowed out the Sphinx enclosure and built a big effin' statue of something, and then the Egyptians remodeled it into what we see today.

    The Egyptologists have a very valid point when they say that there is no concrete evidence of an older civilization building those monuments; that can't just be shrugged off. Such a civilization should have left behind something tangible. Perhaps we haven't found it yet. More likely, they never existed. We'll probably never know for sure... for the ramps used to build the Pyramids... don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these folks who worship Hancock or think the aliens or the Atlanteans built it or anything, but those ramps themselves would have been a massive undertaking, nearly equal to the Pyramids themselves. For the incline to be small enough to permit movement of the blocks, the ramp would probably need to be miles long. Impressive, that. I'd love to see how it was accomplished.
    "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
    "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


    • #47
      Such a civilization should have left behind something tangible.

      a big effin' statue maybe
      <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
      Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


      • #48
        Hmm. What's behind the 2nd door?


        • #49
          This was a really BORING story.

          Saw it on tv yesterday. Made a small hole in the wall just to find another wall! Call it doors if you want to... Whatever.

          NEXT YEAR they're gonna drill another hole in the other door.

          Great progress!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Faeelin
            Hmm. What's behind the 2nd door?
            It's probably not a door but the backside of the outer blocks. Behind it are the outskirts of Cairo.
            Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
            And notifying the next of kin
            Once again...


            • #51
              probably a 3rd stone, they showed something about another pyramids shaft, that had 3 stones, maybe there are 3 stones at Gizeh also.
              <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
              Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


              • #52
                For the sphinx erosion stuff, the alternative to it being the only relic of a lost civilisation is that the erosion was caused by crystals (I can't remember the term for this).

                Here's a PDF that gives a brief description...

                the photos embedded from underneath the plateau are rubbish so here's an enhancement...

                In essence there is no need for it to be dated to 5-7k BC.


                • #53
                  Everyone is now saying that it is a great achievement of the Egyptians, but in fact have no idea how they actually managed to build it.
                  There are also theories that they were built by an more ancient and more advanced civilization before the Egyptians, wouldn't claiming the Pyramids for the Egyptians be insulting to them to?
                  In fact, Polish engineer discovered recently (two years ago) the secret. He was inspired by Herodot's note that Egyptians were using light wooden constructions, and by the shape of "tsi" word of Egyptian hieroglips, which means to lift. As the theory of the ramps can't be true when it comes to the upper parts (straight ones would have to be 3km long for example, and would require such a lot of materials that could be done wothing with, and the ramp surrounding a Pyramidisn't probable too, as there's no possibility of leading the blocks on edges of Pyramids, especially on higher levels; the building of teh ramps would be very hard too). Anyway, He reconstructed the machine which tsi verb was showing, and it worked - the construction is itself extremly simple, and require not all that big work as it is shown on the films where hungreds of slaves are pulling one stone block. He says that three men are enough on one stone block. There's just one trick in that construction. Would You like me to post here an image of this construction? I'll do it tomorrow, when I'll scan it.
                  "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                  I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                  Middle East!


                  • #54
                    "Would You like me to post here an image of this construction?"

                    Yes please...

                    Is his name Kolataj?


                    • #55
                      "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                      I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                      Middle East!


                      • #56
                        I'm looking at the right bloke, then.
                        Only web thing is as a speaker at an Egyptology convention, at least as far as tsi is concerned.

                        Oh well...have to wait for your picture.


                        • #57
                          Here is the pic
                          It doesn't look too good, I'll try to correct it.
                          Attached Files
                          "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                          I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                          Middle East!


                          • #58
                            Hmm ... I read a report that indicated some folks thought that the Sphinx was carved out of a pre-existing rock formation. Thus the erosion we see was indeed caused by water from a period when Egypt was wetter and more fertile ... but the Sphinx had yet to be built.

                            IOW, the erosion was already present when the actual carving of the Sphinx began.

                            "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                            "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


                            • #59
                              Hmmm I remember reading about this in a book by a guy called Erich Von Daniken (might be spelt wrong) who was a bit way out with his ideas, but he mentioned this 4 or so years ago and how the egyptians were blocking further investigation. He claimed it was because it would reveal how the pyramids were built and other knowledge, which for those who know VD will know consist of claiming that they were built or designed by Aliens.

                              I personally think it was humans, and we do a great diservice to the Mayan and Egyptians to suggest otherwise. Everyday new evidence comes to light suggesting that ancient and medieval civs were more advanced than we ever thought. It is clear the egyptians and mayans had a excellent grasp of astronomy, maths and science to build them whatever way they did them.
                              Check it out, I am the Ultimate Badass! State of the Badass art! You do not want to **** with me!


                              • #60
                                The problem with that, Gatekeeper, is that the alleged water erosion is not confined to the body of the Spinhx, but also on the walls of the Sphinx "enclosure", which was hollowed out by (presumably) the Egyptians. So, we're back to having to deal with water erosion post-carving (or, at the very least, post-excavation).
                                "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                                "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud

