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sad thoughts on poly posters

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  • sad thoughts on poly posters

    All of the anit-American crap I am seeing here, including some from Americans makes me glad that I will die some day and not be here to witness the little intellectual integrity and moral timber left in the world slide into the abyss.

    America spent the first half of the last century fighting to save Europe from German oppression and the last half holding back the Soviet iron curtain. Now we want to attack terror at its root and few if any posters here credit America as being any better than the Nazis, Imperial Japanese, and Soviet Communists.

    Who was willing to fight communism in Asia. We did. Badly, but we did it to prevent the world from being overun with communist evil that would have stripped from every corner of the world every last vestige of freedom and dignity.

    And, setting aside the respect and thanks that we are due, the posters here have no sense of history.

    I have lived long enough to understand why we must have these regular and horric wars. People are of bad moral character.

  • #2
    Who was willing to fight communism in Asia. We did. Badly, but we did it to prevent the world from being overun with communist evil that would have stripped from every corner of the world every last vestige of freedom and dignity.
    Oh, you mean Korea and Vietnam? The two countries where American presence was opposed by a majority of the people, even in the so called "democratic" sectors? Please. In both instances we were fighting to keep part of the country a pro-American dictatorship. If we left it up to the people, both would have probably gone for communism.

    As much as that would have been a mistake, it is not our problem and none of our business.
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    • #3
      Floyd, clearly, we were fighting to prevent the spread of communism and not to prop up dictatorships. And you know that so why do you want to attribute to America an evilness that has never existed?


      • #4
        First half of the century fighting German oppression? Huh?

        We spent from 1941-1945 doing that, which hardly constitutes half a Century. Oh, you're not one of those historical revisionists who asserts Germany was the evil villain in WWI as well, are you?

        Otherwise...whine, whine, whine. If you can't handle people being critical of U.S. policy, past and present, without jumping the tired old "They hate America!" crap, then maybe you should just curl up and...well, you know.
        Last edited by Boris Godunov; August 29, 2002, 20:47.
        Tutto nel mondo è burla


        • #5
          Floyd, clearly, we were fighting to prevent the spread of communism and not to prop up dictatorships.
          Yes, we wanted to stop the spread of communism. Granted. But we also wanted pro-American governments. We fought in the name of freedom, but having pro-American puppets to use against the Soviet Union was more important to us than the concept of self-determination.

          And you know that so why do you want to attribute to America an evilness that has never existed?
          True, I could point out much better examples of evilness, such as the dropping of the atomic bombs, or the internment of Japanese Americans, or the draft, or fighting offensive wars. I'll discuss any of those - you pick.
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          • #6
            Oh, you're not one of those historical revisionists who asserts Germany was the evil villain in WWI as well, are you?
            I bet he is
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            • #7
              There is plenty of revisionism here and thats for sure. I guess you folks will brand America as the evil villain of WW1 now.


              • #8
                No, no one was really the evil villain of WW1. The whole war was a mistake on everyone's part.

                Certainly the US bears a responsibility to its own citizens for causing the death of over 120,000 Americans during the war, a war that could easily have been avoided.
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                • #9
                  My history is a little rough here, but didn't the US stay out of WW2 until they were attacked, whereas nations like Canada were involved from the very beginning?

                  I think it's a bit disturbing you're trying to paint the US as being a nation who selflessly became involved in "saving Europe from German oppression". Canada was the one who got involved in both world wars without being attacked.

                  Who was willing to fight communism in Asia.
                  This could be rewritten to say:
                  Who was willing to interfere with other nation's politics to push its own agenda?
                  "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                  Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jimmytrick
                    There is plenty of revisionism here and thats for sure. I guess you folks will brand America as the evil villain of WW1 now.
                    Not everyone sees such things in simplistic, black-and-white ways like you apparently do, so why should they?

                    There's certainly no historical support for America being the bad guy of WWI. Lay that blame on all of the European powers who brought about that contest of stupidity, especially Britain.

                    We know the low-quality American school history texts have indoctrinated you into this blandly uberpatriotic view of the U.S. past, but try to think outside of the box a little, m'kay?
                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #11
                      No, no one was really the evil villain of WW1. The whole war was a mistake on everyone's part.
                      Well, I would disagree...Woodrow Wilson was definitely an evil villain, though not really a war villain.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by civman2000
                        Well, I would disagree...Woodrow Wilson was definitely an evil villain, though not really a war villain.

                        (thoughIaddforDavid'sbenefitWilsondidn'tsinktheLus itania)

                        Tutto nel mondo è burla


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Boris Godunov

                          Not everyone sees such things in simplistic, black-and-white ways like you apparently do, so why should they?

                          There's certainly no historical support for America being the bad guy of WWI. Lay that blame on all of the European powers who brought about that contest of stupidity, especially Britain.

                          We know the low-quality American school history texts have indoctrinated you into this blandly uberpatriotic view of the U.S. past, but try to think outside of the box a little, m'kay?
                          Nice baiting, I'll give you that.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Asher
                            My history is a little rough here, but didn't the US stay out of WW2 until they were attacked, whereas nations like Canada were involved from the very beginning?

                            Canadian warmongers!!!

                            Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                            • #15
                              You know it.
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

