You probably don't know or care about this, but Sweden has general elections in, like, a month's time. I was thinking it might be interesting to see how people here would vote in them, so here's a link to a Swedish political party selector thingy:
Now, this is from the perspective of the average Swede, so some questions will seem strange. Hopefully it'll expand your worldview a bit.
It's also in Swedish, so here's a translation. The right column from top to bottom: Completely Agree, Partially Agree, Don't Know, Partially Disagree, Completely Disagree; Left Column from top to bottom: Not Important At All, Not Important, Important, Very Important.
Q1: Society should give families economic support towards the childcare of their choice after the child reaches the age of 1. Parents who stay home with their children should also recieve such support.
Q2: There needs to be more than two dedicated "father months" in the parental insurance scheme. (System that provides support for parents to stay at home with young children, currently one month together plus a freely allocated year - Trans. Rem.)
Q3: Grades should be given earlier and more frequently than today. (From grade seven/eight currently - Trans. Rem.)
Q4: There need to be more "Free Schools". (Free Schools are privately run but state-funded schools - Trans. Rem.)
Q5: The tax on Petrol should be raised for environmental reasons.
Q6: Mink Farms should be forbidden.
Q7: Sweden should join the EMU.
Q8: Sweden should join NATO.
Q9: Sweden should hold referendums more often on important issues. (Five total in the twentieth century... - Trans. Rem.)
Q10: Working time should be cut by shortening the working day.
Q11: The right to a year off work with state support should be given to everybody.
Q12: The negative sides of globalisation can be fought with a Tobin Tax. (Small tax levied on international capital transactions - Trans. Rem.)
Q13: Small buisness employers should be able to exempt two people from the prescribed order during lay-offs. (Sweden has laws stating that the last hired person should be the first to go during a lay-off - Trans. Rem.)
Q14: Real Estate Tax should be eliminated.
Q15: Net Wealth Tax should be eliminated. (Tax directly levied on capital wealth over a certain value - Trans. Rem.)
Q16: The State should give more subsidies to housing development.
Q17: The tax on househols services (cleaning, etc.) should be lowered.
Q18: Progressive Taxation should be limited to 50%.
Q19: Patients should be able to pick doctors themselves, even when recieving specialist care.
Q20: Employers should take greater responsibility for sick leave.
Q21: Emergency hospitals should be able to be owned privately and aim for profit.
Q22: Work Valuation done by an independant party is a good method for evening out the wage differences between men and women.
Q23: The Monarchy should be eliminated.
Q24: There need to be more police officers.
Q25: The Tax Preassure in Sweden should be decreased.
Q26: Homosexual couples should be assessed as potential adoptive parents using the same criteria as other couples.
Q27: Wine and Beer should be sold in normal food stores. (Currently in special state-run stores - Trans. Rem.)
Q28: Better corporate conditions is the best way to lower unemployment.
Q29: More jobs in the state-run services sector is the best way to lower unemployment.
Q30: Sweden should have more generous rules for refugees seeking asylum in Sweden.
That's it! Press the upper link to change any of your answers, the lower one to go straight to results.
I'm dying to see peoples' results.
Now, this is from the perspective of the average Swede, so some questions will seem strange. Hopefully it'll expand your worldview a bit.

It's also in Swedish, so here's a translation. The right column from top to bottom: Completely Agree, Partially Agree, Don't Know, Partially Disagree, Completely Disagree; Left Column from top to bottom: Not Important At All, Not Important, Important, Very Important.
Q1: Society should give families economic support towards the childcare of their choice after the child reaches the age of 1. Parents who stay home with their children should also recieve such support.
Q2: There needs to be more than two dedicated "father months" in the parental insurance scheme. (System that provides support for parents to stay at home with young children, currently one month together plus a freely allocated year - Trans. Rem.)
Q3: Grades should be given earlier and more frequently than today. (From grade seven/eight currently - Trans. Rem.)
Q4: There need to be more "Free Schools". (Free Schools are privately run but state-funded schools - Trans. Rem.)
Q5: The tax on Petrol should be raised for environmental reasons.
Q6: Mink Farms should be forbidden.
Q7: Sweden should join the EMU.
Q8: Sweden should join NATO.
Q9: Sweden should hold referendums more often on important issues. (Five total in the twentieth century... - Trans. Rem.)
Q10: Working time should be cut by shortening the working day.
Q11: The right to a year off work with state support should be given to everybody.
Q12: The negative sides of globalisation can be fought with a Tobin Tax. (Small tax levied on international capital transactions - Trans. Rem.)
Q13: Small buisness employers should be able to exempt two people from the prescribed order during lay-offs. (Sweden has laws stating that the last hired person should be the first to go during a lay-off - Trans. Rem.)
Q14: Real Estate Tax should be eliminated.
Q15: Net Wealth Tax should be eliminated. (Tax directly levied on capital wealth over a certain value - Trans. Rem.)
Q16: The State should give more subsidies to housing development.
Q17: The tax on househols services (cleaning, etc.) should be lowered.
Q18: Progressive Taxation should be limited to 50%.
Q19: Patients should be able to pick doctors themselves, even when recieving specialist care.
Q20: Employers should take greater responsibility for sick leave.
Q21: Emergency hospitals should be able to be owned privately and aim for profit.
Q22: Work Valuation done by an independant party is a good method for evening out the wage differences between men and women.
Q23: The Monarchy should be eliminated.
Q24: There need to be more police officers.
Q25: The Tax Preassure in Sweden should be decreased.
Q26: Homosexual couples should be assessed as potential adoptive parents using the same criteria as other couples.
Q27: Wine and Beer should be sold in normal food stores. (Currently in special state-run stores - Trans. Rem.)
Q28: Better corporate conditions is the best way to lower unemployment.
Q29: More jobs in the state-run services sector is the best way to lower unemployment.
Q30: Sweden should have more generous rules for refugees seeking asylum in Sweden.
That's it! Press the upper link to change any of your answers, the lower one to go straight to results.
I'm dying to see peoples' results.
