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SciFi Books

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  • #16
    A few months ago, I re-read Joe Haldeman's The Forever War, the first sci-fi novel to win both the Hugo and the Nebula Awards. It's still a darn good read.

    But, there are now a few bumps in it, such as our interstellar war with the Taurians breaking out in 1997.


    • #17
      IAIN BANKS!!!! The Culture series is the best "space" series of stories ever. Check out "The player of games" or "Excession". My two favourites.

      Only problem is that he is hard to get in the US.

      Another great author is Ken MacLeod. Che would love him as he is an unrepentant communist and so are some of the characters in his books.

      Hope you haven't left yet.
      What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


      • #18

        Douglas Adams

        Douglas Adams

        Douglas Adams

        Larry Niven
        Isaac Asimov
        Greg Egan
        Gregory Benford
        Roger Zelazny
        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


        • #19
          I recently read a book by George R.R. Martin (author of the amazing "A Game of Ice of Fire" series) called "Fevre Dreams."

          It's a vampire book set in the years preceding and following the US Civil War. Good stuff (infinitely better than Anne Rice, of course that's not saying much ).

          Vernor Vinge (Fire on the Deep, etc)
          Excellent series.
          "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


          • #20
            Originally posted by November Adam
            You've read J. Sawyer?
            oops missed that one

            I don't think so

            (but I often pick up books and realise I have already read them)

            Jon Miller
            Jon Miller-
            I AM.CANADIAN
            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


            • #21
              Solaris-Stanislaw Lem

              Best SciFi book of all time


              • #22
                Originally posted by Ramo
                I recently read a book by George R.R. Martin (author of the amazing "A Game of Ice of Fire" series) called "Fevre Dreams."

                It's a vampire book set in the years preceding and following the US Civil War. Good stuff (infinitely better than Anne Rice, of course that's not saying much ).
                I have read a number of his books (and own all of the mentioned series), I shall try that one if I see it.

                Jon Miller
                Jon Miller-
                I AM.CANADIAN
                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                • #23
                  I read a book by Peter F Hamilton (The Reality Dysfunction), I hated it intensly after 500 pages...
                  I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                  • #24
                    hmm, after reading all the posts I still have read almost all the authors mentioned (and some like Douglas Adams I have read almost all that they have written (And all I could find)).

                    thanks again all

                    Jon Miller
                    Jon Miller-
                    I AM.CANADIAN
                    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bogi
                      Solaris-Stanislaw Lem

                      Best SciFi book of all time
                      I so should read this. The film (The Tarkovsky version, not the forthcoming Soderbergh one) is the best Science Fiction film I've ever seen, but I believe this might have very little to do with the actual source. I ought to try to find out.
                      Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
                      Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21


                      • #26
                        The book and the film are actually amazingly similar.
                        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                        • #27
                          Has no one suggested Arthur C. Clarke?

                          I hated 2001 the movie, but when i read the book years later, i loved it, so much so, that i want to see the movie again, just so i can finally appreciate it properly.

                          The Odyssey series is hard to beat as a sci-fi concept

                          Also, The Light of Other Days is fascinating - at least conceptually.


                          • #28
                            I´m pissed noone had made 2061 into a movie yet
                            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Kamrat X
                              I´m pissed noone had made 2061 into a movie yet
                              I await with baited breath


                              • #30
                                oops sorry its Robert J Sawyer, another good one of his, is "Illegal alien".

                                another good athor is Harry Turtledove.

                                also in the fantasy genre is Guy Gavariel Kay, not to sure how polpular he is in the States though.
                                What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"

