They could use People's History of the US, as a text. It covers everyone through the whole of their history in the US.
I think the way history was treated in my middleschool was really pathetic, we spend the first semester on the colonies the American revolution and whatnot, the third quarter on all things black, and the fourth quarter on all things women and skipped everything else. Unless you're going to integrate teaching about minorities into the sweep of history all you end up getting is the impression that they were a site-show for "real" history of, even worse, not even trying to teach the general outline of history.
In none of my pre-College classes was any African (besides Ancient Egypt) history discussed ever, same went for asia (only classical civilizations and precious little of that) and all the Latin American history I got taught was in Bolivia I've learned more in a weekend with a good book then I ever did in all my pre-college history courses combined (especially since I'd already read A People's History ).