Depression is an emotion - a part of being human - not a ****ing disease.
There are all sorts of other horrible potential symptoms such as chronic loss of energy, wild changes in sleeping or eating habits, or sexual appetite. Some experience mania, something akin to being handcuffed to a madly whirling merry-go-round.
Of course, many experience the horrible sensation of simply being agonizingly, despairingly sad most or all the time - for no legitimate reason. As they feel their lives being steadily sucked down into this black whirlpool, the last thing they need is someone telling them it's crap, it's just an emotion, or they should pull themselves out of it. Tragically, too many really do believe it's their own inability to "get it together", and when they can't, when the psychic pain of just trying to live from one minute to the next becomes too much for them to endure, they do the only thing they can to end the pain. They end their life.
It strikes me as rather poor reasoning to take your single unfortunate experience and make universal declarations about an illness that claims thousands of lives annually.
