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The EU anthem

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  • #61
    ecthelinaki, hook up with a turkish gil it would do you good.

    she could belly dance for you and ahem.


    • #62
      My cousin is engaged with a Turkish girl. Her brother knows, her father has an idea. Ironicly enough it's her mother who's the strictest about it.

      Greek girls are too hairy though

      (sorry, couldn't resist)


      • #63
        that's ok hairy and stinky kraut, it's your second jew killing nature

        but you should hook up with a turkish girl yourself she could inrtoduce you to the secrets of love and you wouldn't be such a tight ass any more.


        • #64
          Originally posted by paiktis22
          GP dont make me like osama.
          You don't scare me...the worst you can do is get banned.


          • #65
            Say 'arse'. You're European, so use your own language.


            • #66
              Originally posted by paiktis22
              if there was a real democracy in turkey (=no interference by military which now runs things) there would be islamists in power.
              Don't you prefer the secular state. My Turk hottie told me that Kemal is very much held in repsect.


              • #67
                Originally posted by GP

                You don't scare me...the worst you can do is get banned.
                GP you do realize the gravity of your words?

                talking about what you said: 1,5 mil greeks have been virtually tortured out of asia minor. and the turks have suffered too i'd imagine.

                so any talk about that has the same allure as me saying give osama israel you imperialist (or something to that effect - florida for example)


                • #68
                  If secular means miilitary, then there's something weird about the country, GP.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by GP

                    Don't you prefer the secular state. My Turk hottie told me that Kemal is very much held in repsect.
                    i think there is not much difference in what regards foreign policy between the two (military dictatorship - islamist fundementalism).

                    ecthelinaki, how does it feel to learn thelanguage of those who bombed your arse?


                    • #70
                      Well, it makes us able to infiltrate them.

                      Plus, I also learn French, had the alternative of Russian. Why do we only get to learn victor languages?


                      • #71
                        When did they leave, Paiktis?


                        • #72
                          Wait, in WWII, anyone but us was a victor


                          • #73
                            GP they left with waves after terrorizing by turkish militants.

                            the mass exodus from asia minor was in 1920's when there was the asia minor "disaster" as we call it here (basicaly the go through of an unagivable at the time scheme which nevertheless provided a sense of unity for a new born greece)

                            from constaninople they left in th 50's and 60's as the turks burned their stores and other not so pleasant stuff.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by paiktis22
                              from istanbul they left in th 50's and 60's as the turks burned their stores and other not so pleasant stuff.
                              their stores and... their hair?


                              • #75
                                i dont know hairy stinky kraut. do you still use a jewish soap? 'cause that's what i'm getting here.

                                i bet those german kraut ladies enjoyed the "russian lovin'"

