noone baits paiktis. he just refuses to be an EU scitizen of honour.
No announcement yet.
The EU anthem
the EU was made to curtail nazi homicidal tendencies like those of ecthelinaki. as they have been provwen twice.
the Greek islands are Greek because also asia minor was greek. and i am also for an equitable partition. namely western asia minor goes to grece as it should, turkey keeps eatern part and everyone is happy.
ecthelinaki, yes they are. plus in asia minor there lived 2 mil greeks.
as for eastern part going to the kurds, yes but not all of it. some must be left over for the turks.
"turks" are actually 60 different ethnicities which guarantees the breakup of this country to smaller fractions.
in 2020 45% of turkey's population will be kurdish so the hour for generous movements is near
misspelled it I think
it's the separation of major religious institution and state, doesn't exclude a religious confession of the natin though. like most European nations claim to be Christian but church is separated from state issues. same in Turkey, since Atatürk they're no religious hatemongers anymore, but still... the influence is strong
that's the one. it seems to be either military guys or islamist parties that rule there. talk about lack of education and population enlightenment. even in Germany, Turkish women and girls lead suppressed lives, due to the strict islamist blah phallocracy of the guys.