1. (Style) Your logic and prose could be tightened up.
2. (Content)
A. WRT point one, there is nothing stopping artists who choose to circulate their work for free, from doing so with computer files. Same thing wrt radio. Doesn't justifying illegal copies of work.
B. WRT point two, you are wrong both ethically and practically. Ethics: just because a crime is prevelant (insurance claim padding) does not mean that it should be allowed. Practice: First, legalizing currently illegal practices will lead to increases. Second, there is plenty that can AND IS being done to eliminate illegal copies of music. The record industry won some battles last year or two.
C. WRT point three, hard to really discuss it becuase you haven't clearly stated your argument. But first the points in B still apply to this issue. Secondly, there is no guarantee that artists will make the added income from live performances, etc. And a very easy argument to say they may make less. (Why pay for something that you get for free.)
3. (Aside) I wonder if your argument is a justification for your own behavior patterns. Do you have illegal music copies?
1. (Style) Your logic and prose could be tightened up.
2. (Content)
A. WRT point one, there is nothing stopping artists who choose to circulate their work for free, from doing so with computer files. Same thing wrt radio. Doesn't justifying illegal copies of work.
B. WRT point two, you are wrong both ethically and practically. Ethics: just because a crime is prevelant (insurance claim padding) does not mean that it should be allowed. Practice: First, legalizing currently illegal practices will lead to increases. Second, there is plenty that can AND IS being done to eliminate illegal copies of music. The record industry won some battles last year or two.
C. WRT point three, hard to really discuss it becuase you haven't clearly stated your argument. But first the points in B still apply to this issue. Secondly, there is no guarantee that artists will make the added income from live performances, etc. And a very easy argument to say they may make less. (Why pay for something that you get for free.)
3. (Aside) I wonder if your argument is a justification for your own behavior patterns. Do you have illegal music copies?