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The Apolyton Hall of Fame: June 2002

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  • The Apolyton Hall of Fame: June 2002

    As always
    Open 3 days (Or until I log on on the 4th day )

    Good Luck!

    3 are to be elected this time
    The Apolyton Hall of Fame

    June 2002

    (3 Members to be inducted)
    (Only 13 will be elected this year)

    Hall of Fame Members

    Apolyton Hall of Fame Members -8

    December 2001 Adam Smith
    December 2000 Alexander's Horse [The Apolyton Troll]
    March 2001 Bugs ****ing Bunny (AKA Lazarus and the Gimp)
    December 2001 chegitz guevara
    December 2000 DanQ
    March 2002 Ecthelion
    March 2001 *End is Forever* (AKA Iain Lindley)
    June 2001 EVC (AKA EvC, Evan VonChristof) [The Apolyton Daffy Duck] [Perma-Banned]
    December 2000 Giant Squid (AKA Celestion the God, Alexander the Great) [The Apolyton DL]
    January 2001 Imran Siddiqui [ACS News Coordinator]
    March 2002 Jay Bee
    March 2001 Lancer
    December 2000 Mao
    December 2000 MarkG
    December 2000 MichaeltheGreat [Another OT Moderator]
    December 2000 MikeH
    December 2000 Ming [The OT Moderator]
    June 2001 Monk
    December 2000 Provost Harrison (AKA AI) [The Apolyton Scientist]
    March 2002 rah
    December 2001 Ramo
    December 2000 Roland
    December 2001 Snapcase
    June 2001 SnowFire
    June 2001 Starchild
    June 2001 Stefu
    January 2001 Stewart Spink [Perma-Banned]
    December 2000 St Leo
    June 2001 SuperSneak
    December 2001 Wraith
    March 2002 Velociryx
    March 2002 yin26
    December 2000 Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey [Perma-Banned]
    March 2001 Zhu Yuanzhang (AKA Dave Boshko, Boshko)

    No Dates; Alphabetically:
    Adam Smith
    Alexander's Horse
    Bugs ****ing Bunny
    chegitz guevara
    *End is Forever*
    Giant Squid
    Imran Siddiqui
    Jay Bee
    Michael the Great
    Provost Harrison
    Stewart Spink
    St Leo
    Zhu Yuanzhang

    MarkG Automatic Inductee
    DanQ Automatic Inductee
    Ming December 2000
    MikeH December 2000
    MichaeltheGreat December 2000
    Mao December 2000
    Alexander's Horse December 2000
    Giant Squid December 2000
    Provost Harrison December 2000
    Roland December 2000
    Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey December 2000
    St. Leo December 2000
    Imran Siddiqui January 2001
    Stewart Spink January 2001
    Lancer March 2001
    Bugs ****ing Bunny March 2001
    *End is Forever*March 2001
    Zhu Yuhanzhang March 2001
    EVC June 2001
    Monk June 2001
    Snowfire June 2001
    Starchild June 2001
    SuperSneak June 2001
    Stefu June 2001
    Adam Smith December 2001
    chegitz guevara December 2001
    Ramo December 2001
    Snapcase December 2001
    Wraith December 2001
    rah March 2002
    yin26 March 2002
    Ecthelion March 2002
    Jay Bee March 2002
    Velociryx March 2002

    Rules for voting

    Everyone can vote for 3 posters

    Registered In/Before 1999- 3 points per vote
    Registered In 2000- 3 points per vote
    Registered In 2001- 2 point per vote
    Registered In 2002- 1 points per vote

    You may not vote for yourself.

    As per suggestion by MOBIUS, the last vote's are carried onto the next votes.
    As per suggestion by Solver, all previous votes are carried onto the next votes.
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    Current Standings (Last Month's add-ins are in brackets)
    These are all the people who made the last List, but were not elected.

    1. paiktis22- (20) 21------- 41
    2. GP- (21) 13-------- 34
    3. Sirotnikov- (16) 15---------- 31

    Xin Yu- (19) 11-------- 30

    Locutus- (20) 3-------- 23

    Slowwhand- (9) 13------------22

    Fez/Giancarlo- (9) 11------- 20

    Sprayber - (11) 7--------- 18
    DinoDoc- 18
    korn469- (7) 11--------- 18

    JohnT- (14) 3----------17

    Asher- (7) 9------16

    orange- (9) 6--------15
    Reismark- (15)---------
    n.c.- (15)---
    MLeonard- (6) 9-----15
    Mr Fun- (3) 12-----15

    Chris 62- (5) 9--- 14

    East Street Trader- (9) 3---- 12
    Urban Ranger- (14) 3-------
    DanS- (12)---------
    Dalgetti- (2) 10------12

    Eli- (8) 3-------------- 11

    Krazy Horse- 13

    Sten Sture- (9)-------
    devilmunchkin- (6) 3-----9

    David Floyd- (2) 6----8
    Redjon- (2) 6---8
    Shadowstrike (5) 3-----8

    Solver- (3) 3----6
    axi- (3) 3----6
    Immortal Wombat- (6)----
    Krazy Horse- (6)-----
    Dissident- (6)------
    Natan- (3) 3-----6
    BlackWidow24- (3) 3----6
    werefox- (3) 3-----6

    Lincoln- (5)------
    Boddington's (Infatuation/Chasing Rainbows/Dookie/Nimrod/Warning)- (5)-----
    Caesar the Great- (5)----5

    Albert Speer- (3)
    markusf- 3
    jon miller- 3
    boann- 3
    EyesOfNight- 3
    Sir David- (3)
    Gibsie- (3)
    Asher- 3
    LordStone1- (3)----3
    Clear Skies- 3
    Paul- 3
    MOBIUS- (3)----3
    Rogan Josh- (3)
    Giovanni Wine-3
    CivNation- (3)
    faded glory- (3)
    mindseye- (3)
    Sergeant Sheets- 3
    Scouse Gits- 3
    Wigalf- 3
    MBloomIII- (3)
    Paul- (3)
    fiera- (3)
    Andreas- (3)
    DarkStar- (3)
    Sagacious Dolphin- 3
    DarkCloud- (3)
    Empress- 3
    Sikander- 3

    ixnay37- 2
    boann- 2
    Seneca- (2)----2
    connorkimbro- (2)----2
    UltraSonix- (2)----2
    The Brain- (2)----2
    Rand Al'Tor- (2)----2
    Jimmytrick- (2)----2
    Master Marcus- (2)---2
    DylanBaker- (2)----2
    El Awrence- (2)----2
    Taurus- (2)
    Ted Stryker [Derek]- (2)----2

    I vote for korn469-3 Empress- 3 Shadowstrike-3
    Last edited by DarkCloud; June 23, 2002, 15:43.
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #3
      paiktis doesn't get votes from me this time

      now for some more funny stuff :

      Sirotnikov, despite being cheeky at times
      DinoDoc, because he's not a damn yank nazi anymore
      Fez, because this time I finally have a spot free for the lad

      krazyhorse was close to getting a vote

      alas, I can't prevent paiktis getting undeservedly voted in, but life goes on.


      • #4
        Hi Darkcloud, how's going?

        Not sure how to do this.

        Paiktis, Locutus and Solver all by 3.



        • #5
          "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
          Drake Tungsten
          "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
          Albert Speer


          • #6
            Ha! Would never vote in this, it's all a zionist conspiracy anyway!


            • #7


              • #8
                Krop, there ain't a single Jew in there yet.


                • #9
                  That's why it's called a conspiracy, otherwise it would be to obvious.


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Keygen- hullo
                      you are completely correct

                      Just wondering, why all the votes for paitkis22? Any specific reasons? I know he does a lot of stuff, but why is he receiving an ASTOUNDING amount of votes? Just wondering
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • #12
                        Well, many find his attacks on other posters (mostly Jews) quite funny. Worrying, isn't it?


                        • #13
                          They're all his biatches.
                          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                          • #14
                            orange, mr fun, asher
                            "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
                            ^ The Poly equivalent of:
                            "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


                            • #15
                              Asher, Eli, and Siro.

