Just pretend that I no longer exist, in fact you can do better... you can compeletely forget about me like you've been doing for the past, I don't even know how long!!! 
I've only been here for FOUR years!!! I have had not so much as an enquiry into what happened to me.
But I understand the truth now, of how the erasure of my memory with everyone was your plan from the beginning and I will elaborate on it later.
Do I bore you now? Yes, the EVC of old somehow entertained you, and terrified the rest of you. You know what part of that was-- I was serious with what I said and meant it to the "T."
Then a bunch of propagating liberals decide to steal my sanity away from me... to corrupt me with your viewpoints. You turned me into a weak, blithering moron, self-absorbed with problems that I was unable to function in real life!!!
So what happened... every now and then I would return to my senseses, but each time your leftists psycho pull would drown me back into the abyss of indecision and passiveness and as a result I became some sort of a lame comical entity that deserved nothing but ridicule and ignore-ence.
A few of you in particular have continued to mock me, saying that I'm not entertaining you like I used to. My intent WAS NEVER TO ENTERTAIN YOU!!!!
I've decided that not all elements within Apolyton were acting with originality in their treatment of me. I have discovered that some of you have PLANNED ways to MANIPULATE me into NOT BEING a threat. That all I have gone through in real life was caused by your wretched attempt to transform me and to ultimately destroy me and everything I symbolize!
Mark my words, as Evan von Christoph I will get vengence for what you have done to me, and I will discover each and every one of you that plotted against me!

I've only been here for FOUR years!!! I have had not so much as an enquiry into what happened to me.
But I understand the truth now, of how the erasure of my memory with everyone was your plan from the beginning and I will elaborate on it later.
Do I bore you now? Yes, the EVC of old somehow entertained you, and terrified the rest of you. You know what part of that was-- I was serious with what I said and meant it to the "T."
Then a bunch of propagating liberals decide to steal my sanity away from me... to corrupt me with your viewpoints. You turned me into a weak, blithering moron, self-absorbed with problems that I was unable to function in real life!!!
So what happened... every now and then I would return to my senseses, but each time your leftists psycho pull would drown me back into the abyss of indecision and passiveness and as a result I became some sort of a lame comical entity that deserved nothing but ridicule and ignore-ence.
A few of you in particular have continued to mock me, saying that I'm not entertaining you like I used to. My intent WAS NEVER TO ENTERTAIN YOU!!!!
I've decided that not all elements within Apolyton were acting with originality in their treatment of me. I have discovered that some of you have PLANNED ways to MANIPULATE me into NOT BEING a threat. That all I have gone through in real life was caused by your wretched attempt to transform me and to ultimately destroy me and everything I symbolize!
Mark my words, as Evan von Christoph I will get vengence for what you have done to me, and I will discover each and every one of you that plotted against me!