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Best Fantasy Novels

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  • Originally posted by Zhu Yuanzhang
    For all you people complaining about CS Lewis' christianity, Tolkien's almost as bad in this regard since although you've got a overlay of Celtic/Norse mythology the core worldview is really extremally Christian (Sauron = Satan etc. etc.).
    Sauron = evil which does not have to entail a christian viewpoint.

    However if you want to see a very different kind of world written from the same source materials and at the same time as Tolkien (therefor uninfluenced by by him) try The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson. Its pretty bleak and the elves are not the sweetness and light they are in the LOTR. Amoral and scheming in Poul Anderson's books. Speaking of Anderson and his elves.

    Very good fun fantasy novel by Poul Anderson not mentioned yet.

    Three Hearts and Three Lions

    Now that one does have some christianity due to taking characters from the Charlamagne cycle of myth. Its not preachy though its just part of the world setting. The Broken Sword is much more pre-christian Norse myth.

