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Spiderman: The Saving Private Ryan Disease
Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
What got me was the NYers all pitching in to throw stuff at Goblin. "You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us."
THAT was one of those patriotic mindless moments.
But we would have thrown stuff - that part was accurate.What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?
That scene gave me goosebumps.
(most scenes gave me goosebumps)
what a movie..... ahh....Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
The cemetary scene sucked...obviously was all done in one take.
The declaration from the James Dean kid about getting revenge was laughably unconvincing. Not a shred of conviction in his voice. It was like he was reading a cue-card from behind Toby Macguire's shoulder.
The whole conversation between Peter and what's-her-name...I was on the verge of yelling "SHUT UP ALREADY AND ROLL THE CREDITS!"
In fact, I hated every single one of the horribly-done romantic scenes. Too bad, because a lot of the other stuff was really good.Tutto nel mondo è burla
Originally posted by Boris Godunov
In fact, I hated every single one of the horribly-done romantic scenes. Too bad, because a lot of the other stuff was really good.Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Give me a break. Kirsten Dunst was flatter than a 2-week old can of Pepsi.
The only acting performance that was notable was Macguire's, but even so he was rather the same as he was in all his films. Dafoe was at his usual level of over-the-top scenery-chewing.
Deep characters? What depth? You're imaging things!Tutto nel mondo è burla
Originally posted by Boris Godunov
Give me a break. Kirsten Dunst was flatter than a 2-week old can of Pepsi.
The only acting performance that was notable was Macguire's, but even so he was rather the same as he was in all his films. Dafoe was at his usual level of over-the-top scenery-chewing.
Deep characters? What depth? You're imaging things!
Insane. If there was anyone's whose acting I thought was a bit dry it was Macguire's. Kirsten was amazing, I hang on her every word. As for deep characters, lets look at MJ.
Oh crap, its late, I could write a few pages on her character, but I'll summerize quick I guess.
She comes from a troubling home, she is abused and has self-esteem problems. Because of this she uses her looks to fit in with the "cool crowd" at school, this gives her the illusion of popularity to quell her self-esteem issues on the surface, but she realizes how fake it all is. She longs for something deeper.
She aspires to be an actress, but that kind of dreaming doesn't go well with the popular crowd friend or her abusive father so she keeps it inside. Seeking to maintain her present level of respect rather than jepordize that by moving on to something deeper. As high school ends she realizes she can escape from the confines of her school clique and her abusive home life and attempt to start over and pursue her dreams. She gains strength in this by talking with Peter who rather than scorn her for her dreams gives her much needed encouragement.
Having lived her life with no true respect or love from others, an honest, caring word from her neighbor makes a world of difference. She deals with her self-esteem issues all the time, with Harry, with Norman, with Flash, her father, everyone is putting her down. In Peter she sees everything she has missed in her life. He makes her feel good about herself, and gives her confidence about who she is as a person.
Deep stuff. Shakespere doesn't get this good. I could go on.Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
To even equate that Spiderman is in the same class as Saving Private Ryan just blows my mind of any sane logic.
Mark, HOW did you arrive at that conclusion????"And his word shall carry
death eternal to those who
stand against righteousness."
I sense a long-time comic book fan in you.
I get quite the same goosebumpy feeling, just about other fanboy stuff (I don't know comics too well).
But surely you've got to admit the lashings of cheese thrown onto the scene of MJ & Peter in Peter's Aunt's hospital room.
Pretend you don't know the history or chemistry of the two and look at it as a scene in what is otherwise a pretty low cheese content, action and special FX movie.
How can that scene NOT make you laugh!
The Wellington crowd just couldn't contain themselves!
Originally posted by Muad'Dib
To even equate that Spiderman is in the same class as Saving Private Ryan just blows my mind of any sane logic
i'm sorry if i offended you or any other SPR fan...Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
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