Odd beast chiseled from a plaster block
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Apolyton Digital Camera-O-Rama
Probably best if I explain that brothel thing so people don't get the wrong idea
When we arrived in Mombasa we had to find somewhere to spend the night, we checked into a place called 'The Lucky Guest House'...it wasn't the nicest area of town but we'd stayed in worse places. After noticing how men + women seemed to be in an hour or so together before leaving, and the used condoms and vasaline we found in our room, we came to one conclusion - brothel. It turned out in fact that we were in the middle of the red light district, as other nearby places also happened to be brothels and the café next door turned into a cinema at night (not exactly showing kids films...).
It was a funny experience...before you ask, not of us got any though!
This is a view from my room's window: