Why does 2 Israelis post in Russian?
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kto russki?
Serb, nutrom chuyu, horoshee stihotvoreniye, vspominay polnost'yu.
A dlya nashih izrail'skih tovarischey polezno budet popraktikovat'sya v russkom na primere sluduyushego stihotvoreniya:
Zima. Krest'yanin torzhestvuya
Posypal sol'yu konchik palki,
A na vetvyah sideli galki,
O letnem solnyshke toskuya.Freedom is just unawareness of being manipulated.
Originally posted by Grey Fox
Why does 2 Israelis post in Russian?
Originally posted by Eli
Ya rodilsa v'rossiyi i znayu yazik.
Originally posted by morb
ti i 50% israila...
Originally posted by Eli
Sevodna eto tolko 20-25%.
Many Jews are Russian. But in Israel there are probably more Russians pretending to be Jews than the other way arond.
Edit: not meaning to offend the felow zhid.Last edited by morb; May 6, 2002, 02:58.I hate Civ3!
Originally posted by The Vagabond
Serb, nutrom chuyu, horoshee stihotvoreniye, vspominay polnost'yu.
Originally posted by Serb
Blin nu ne pomnu ya ego polnostyu, tolko konez. No stih vnature ochen pricolnyi, pro razgovor kolhoznikov s Leninim. Ussatsya so so smehu mozhno legko, osobenno esli ego proiznosit golosom Roberta Rozhdestvennskogo.I hate Civ3!
Originally posted by Serb
Cto esh za "mofo" takoe?
btw, tanks for support in SU possible success thread.
Blin opyat na burmanskom yazike zagovoril.
haha! ie ya shas chitayu "what are the most powerful nations." userayus.I hate Civ3!
Originally posted by Grey Fox
Why does 2 Israelis post in Russian?
Quick history lesson. I'm bored.
Since most of the Jews lived in Russia/Poland, half of Israel(maybe more) had/have ancestors from there. 20-25% of the population was born in Russia, most of them(like all Israeli Apolytoners) came with the big Aliya(Jewish immigration to Israel) wave in the early 90s."Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
Originally posted by morb
dva slova: mother, f!cker.
Vo-pervyh eto ponimash, rugatelstvo, a vo-vtoryh "fÈcker" pishetsya cherz "U" a ne cherez "O", poetomu sokrashenno eto dolzhno bylo byt "mofu", a ne "mofo".
p.s. Ty eshe ne chital kak my s Vagabondom nashih olimpiitsev posle olimpiady otmazivaly. Vo eto byla realnaya poteha.
I voobshe mozhet nam tut klub rusko yazichnyh sozdat? Mogly by podderzhivat etot topic isskustvenno vsyakim "spamom" na russkom. Chem my huge finov? Ih "evil, evil, Finland" uzhe skolko mesyazev glaza mozolit. I ved lapochut zhe o chem- to "o svoem, o finskom".
Daesh "Bad, Bad Russians"!!!
Originally posted by Ecthelion
I'm sure they're conspirating against the site administration.
Nu ti priam kak v vody smotrel.
Nu nifiga sebe, prikinte Ya tolko chto predlazhil sozdat russkoyazichnuy topic pro "bad russians", otpravlyayu etot post, a tut srazu zhe Ecthelion so svoeiy teoriey zagovora.
Don't worry we are talking about weather in Russia, not about conspiracy.