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Am I the only one who finds Silicone Boobs repulsive?

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  • Not surprised, obscure reference. But alas, am too tired to explain and must be off to bed.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • fake boobs look nice if they are covered up. but naked I prefer the real thing. and no piercings or tattoos please. I don't mind tattoos on women too much, but not on the breasts!!


      • Originally posted by devilmunchkin

        why? they on your turf???? (joke).
        my pants are closed off to the lot of you.

        Actually I wish them and you the best. So go to it boys!! Lie like crazy!


        • I don't care about the size of the breasts, as long as they are in proportion to the girls body. Fakes generally aren't.
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


          • Originally posted by Dissident
            ...and no piercings or tattoos please.
            A-men bruddah.



            • Breast size is usually proportional to the percentage of body fat. Some is genetic (but that is out of our control at this point in time).

              Girls/women who are so concerned with looking like their favourite Hollywood starlet, tend to undereat, and wind up with much less body fat than is natural, and is required for a healthy life. Due to this, their breasts don't grow to the size they should. Then comes the implants. Then they look disproportional to their bodies.

              If they can stop starving themselves on a rabbit's diet of lettuce, and start eating properly, they'd have the natural amount of body fat, and they might end up with bigger breasts, naturally, and won't have to go to this extreme.

              One of the women who once posed in Ralph magazine was a ballerina and was way too thin (she had to be for that sport). She finally got tired of starving herself, quit ballet and started to eat properly. Before this, she had a chest comparable to an 8 year old's. As her body fat reached natural levels, and she started to look much more toned (as she was sticking to a proper exercise regime as well), her breasts got huge. In fact they got so big, that at the time she was posing in the Ralph photo shoot, she was seriously considering actually having them surgically REDUCED.

              A nice body IS achievable through correctly eating habits, and the proper amount of exercise. Sure, some of it remains genetic, but the genetic aspects aren't as significant as the aspects in immediate control (though there are a few exceptions, I admit).
              "Corporation, n, An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility." -- Ambrose Bierce
              "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -- Benjamin Franklin
              "Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction." -- Thomas Jefferson


              • So much junk after I left

                But what can I say, its a subject that attracts junk

                But seriously, if you want face and eyes I recommend that you date Lara Flynn Boyle, The Practice, ABC Sun. 10pm ; she has what I think is absolutely the most beautiful face in the world.
                She's pale as casper and needs food. She'd be more attractive if she had a little color and wasn't so damn skinny!
                I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                • Originally posted by Chowlett
                  Ladies and gentlemen, a "professor" who can't spell, hides his birth year and reckons that 300lb breasts in the derriere are better than personality. Anyone care for an age-guess?

                  Or is it really AH
                  Firstly I never said I was a professor, Thats just my nickname. Its spelt that way because the proper spelling was already taken on yahoo and like some continuity in my ID's.
                  And as for hiding my birth year, I thought I just hadn't filled that bit in. If your that interested its 1980.
                  And of course breasts are more important than Personality.
                  Who's AH?


                  • What's going on here?


                    • Re: So much junk after I left

                      Originally posted by drake
                      She's pale as casper and needs food. She'd be more attractive if she had a little color and wasn't so damn skinny!
                      Couldn't have said it better myself.

                      Yes, she looked better when she was younger and not quite as skinny. But the potential is still there.

                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • Amazing what goes on at a civilization site...

