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Brit plainspoter morons should get 20 years.

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  • #16
    ahahaha. Cry baby cry all over Europe.

    Besides, that guy looks a bit out of it, a bit whacko... It is a good thing he will be taken out of society.
    Dumbness planspotiness and britiness is not allowed in Greece


    • #17


      • #18
        look PH, if you were married to that woman, wouldn't you come planespoting in Greece ASAP?


        • #19
          So what are Greek prisons like nowadays. Are they as friendly and pleasant as their Turkish counterparts?
          Speaking of Erith:

          "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


          • #20
            I must admit, they do have 'bulldog chewing on wasp' faces
            Speaking of Erith:

            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


            • #21
              That's nothing. Look at the policeman. Smoking his cigarrete not giving a fook. Doesn't he realize the harm he does to our international image as a well ordered, fair and civilized country?

              He pisses all over it with that cigarette.
              Un-proffessional. very.


              • #22
                “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                • #23
                  Imran, you planespotter?


                  • #24
                    International image?

                    Well this is true though really. Expect some damage to the number of British tourists coming to Greece this summer, it is kind of an inevitability
                    Speaking of Erith:

                    "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                    • #25
                      (fooked up incident that)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Provost Harrison
                        International image?

                        Well this is true though really. Expect some damage to the number of British tourists coming to Greece this summer, it is kind of an inevitability
                        That's ok, I just want Stew.


                        • #27
                          Of course, our international image if of a primordial importance. It doesn't matter what you are, it matters what you show you are.

                          Don't you know the phrase: "The wife of Ceasar must not only be virtuous, she must also look virtuous". And that policeman doesn't look very virtuous to me.

                          BTW that's all I could find in the greek web sites

                          ÖõëÜêéóç ìå áíáóôïëÞ ãéá ôïõò «ðáñáôçñçôÝò áåñïðëÜíùí»
                          Prison with parole for the "watchers of planes"

                          ¸íï÷ïé ãéá áðüóðáóç êñáôéêþí ìõóôéêþí, êñßèçêáí áðü ôï ÔñéìåëÝò Ðëçììåëåéïäéêåßï ÊáëáìÜôáò, ïé 12 Âñåôáíïß êáé 2 Ïëëáíäïß «ðáñáôçñçôÝò áåñïðëÜíùí», ïé ïðïßïé åß÷áí óõëëçöèåß Ýîù áðü ôçí áåñïðïñéêÞ âÜóç ôçò ÊáëáìÜôáò, ôïí ðåñáóìÝíï ÍïÝìâñéï.

                          Guilty for detachment of state secrets were found by the thre-members misdemeanor court of Kalamata the 12 british and 2 ducth "watchers of planes" who had been arrested outside the aribase of Kalamata, last November.

                          ÐáñÜ ôá üóá õðïóôÞñéîáí ïé êáôçãïñïýìåíïé, üôé äçëáäÞ, áóêïýóáí «Ýíá áèþï áí êáé åêêåíôñéêü ÷üìðõ», ôï äéêáóôÞñéï Ýêñéíå Ýíï÷ïõò ôïõò ï÷ôþ áðï áõôïýò ãéá ðáñÜíïìç áðüóðáóç êñáôéêþí ìõóôéêþí, åðéâÜëëïíôáò ôïõò ôñéåôÞ ðïéíÞ öõëÜêéóçò, åíþ óôïõò õðüëïéðïõò Ýîé åðÝâáëå ðïéíÞ öõëÜêéóçò åíüò Ýôïõò ìå áíáóôïëÞ, ãéá óõíÝñãåéá.

                          Despite what the accused claimed, that they were excersising "an innocent even if eccentric hobby", the court judged 8 of them guilty of illegal detachmenet of state secrets, impiosing on them 3 years of prison while to the rest 6 it imposed jail time of 1 year with parole, for co-working.

                          Áñ÷éêÜ ïé «14» åß÷áí êáôçãïñçèåß ãéá êáôáóêïðåßá (êáêïýñãçìá), ùóôüóï ç êáôçãïñßá åíáíôßïí ôïõò ìåôáôñÜðçêå óå áðüêôçóç êñáôéêþí ìõóôéêþí. Óôç äßêç ðáñåõñÝèçêáí êáé ïé êáôçãïñïýìåíïé, ïé ïðïßïé åðÝóôñåøáí óôç ÷þñá ìáò, ðñïêåéìÝíïõ «íá áðïêáôáóôÞóïõí ôçí õðüëçøÞ ôïõò.

                          Innitially the "14" had been accused of espionage (felony) however the charges against them were turned into detachment of state secrets. In the court hearings, the accused, which returned to our country to "clear their reputation", were present.

                          That's all.


                          • #28
                            What exactly is planespotting?
                            "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                            • #29
                              who knows.


                              • #30
                                12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                                Stadtluft Macht Frei
                                Killing it is the new killing it
                                Ultima Ratio Regum

