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  • who is that, drake?


    • Oh, its only the lead man of one of the most famous rock band ever. No one important.

      Heh....wish I could say it was me. Bob mustve gotten tons of chicks with a look like that.
      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


      • Bob what?


        • Its when it gets excessive that it can become a problem. Just like overdosing on drugs, excessive use of porno can be a problem (even if drugs can be fatal, while porno isn't)
          I can see the headlines...


          A middle aged man who's identity shall not be undisclosed was found ferret in one hand, Playboy magazine in the other dead at 1600 eastern time in his bedroom. His wife found the body and the doctor expeded the causes of death which showed that the man suffered from an overdose of excitement caused by excessive consumption of pornographic materials and was found to have masturbated himself to death. The wife was quick to blame Playboy and has stated that she will initiate legal action. "The death of my husband shall not go unpunished". Several other people reported similar deaths just after the announcement was made. Playboy spokesmen were "aghast and speechless". Several religious groups have cheered the death and have stated that "He who masturbateth shall be smitten by the Lord".


          • I don't know the details, but obviously the patient or a group of patients complained to the Board of Medicine, offered some evidence of harm, and then the Board determined that this was not an established, accepted form of therapy.
            Patient With Heart Condition Dies of Heart Attack While Walking

            Despite his doctors recommendation to walk everyday to strengthen his hears, James Smith died earlier today after he had a heart attack whilst taking his daily walk in the park with his dog Fritz. The wife was distraught and claimed that "the doctor decieved us, he surely knew it would take him to his grave". On a similar note, she has stated that she will be taking action. Several other patients have stated that they will stop dieting and several thyroxine defficient patients have announced that they will not be taking their medicine claiming that it is an "international medical conspiracy to poison their bodily fluids". Seven hundred B-52s were seen taking off after codeword R for Romeo was issued to them.

            Hehehehe... Only in America.


            • Drake: Bob Marley?
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
                Hmmmmm.....maybe, but you'd be surprised how inaccurate human memory can be when personal pride is involved.

                So are all you early bloomers happy with the way that your nascent sexuality blossumed?
                Not really. I had sex too young and had a hard time making my boundless sexual drive work within the confines of a relationship. I dated a lot of other hyper-sexuals, but it's like living with an alchoholic when you have a drinking problem yourself. I finally started to move away from this problem by changing the way I selected my girlfriends, and while I can't say that I have everything figured out, I have been in a stable relationship for years now. It isn't as passionate as some I've been in, but it is refreshing to not have to constantly contend with tidal forces always tearing your relationship apart. You can fight or submit, but either way those forces would win.
                He's got the Midas touch.
                But he touched it too much!
                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!

