My math prof in high school said that when he was in college there was a BMOC on his floor who would wedge people's doors shut with pennies. People would try to get him back (*** for tat), but the BMOC knew of some way to unwedge pennies that were crammed into his door; he was also physically huge, so it was difficult for people to get revenge on him using alternate methods.
My math prof took compressed wooden slats that were soaked in glue and wedged them into the guy's door. The BMOC couldn't get out, but his pride wouldn't allow him to call for help so he escaped out the window. Unfortunately he was on the second floor so he broke his arm getting out.
The door was wedged shut so tightly that the entire frame had to be removed. The BMOC never figured out who had pranked him (so there were no reprisals against my prof), and he stopped his penny-wedging antics thereafter.
My math prof took compressed wooden slats that were soaked in glue and wedged them into the guy's door. The BMOC couldn't get out, but his pride wouldn't allow him to call for help so he escaped out the window. Unfortunately he was on the second floor so he broke his arm getting out.
The door was wedged shut so tightly that the entire frame had to be removed. The BMOC never figured out who had pranked him (so there were no reprisals against my prof), and he stopped his penny-wedging antics thereafter.