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British forces clear the way for USA
Re: British forces clear the way for USA
Originally posted by Barley
Can't they do their own dirty work?I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio
Originally posted by David James
Hang on there... Afghanistan was perfectly alright until the Soviets invaded. As for Palestine... well the Americans were the ones who pressured the British into letting Jewish settlers in in the first place. And much of the rest of the Middle East is as much the US's fault as Britain's. This is most notably the case with Saudi Arabia, which is a US invention, and just so happens to be Osama's homeland as well as the home of practically every one of the suicide terrorists of Sept. 11 and is the source of most of his financing. The British wanted to give Arabia over to the British-installed kings of Jordan (when was the last time they caused anyone any grief? hey?) but no, Washington decided that their client/manipulator, a fellow by the name of Saud, should be made king of most of Arabia, hence Saudi Arabia, in exchange for giving the US the right to the oil that had just been found in the region. This was before WWII, I might add.
I admit that carving up India was a mistake, but then that's what their leaders wanted, and so Lord Mountbatten did so. He should have just ignored them and left it as one big country.Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
Originally posted by Sprayber
You English are so funny.
Your inferiority complex only serves to entertain us as we march to the inevitable triumph of American culture.A contradiction in terms methinks
Of course we are getting kind of tired of cleaning up messes that YOU created in the last centuries of your Imperial Glory.
Afganistan and Palastine are both fail British experiments that we are now having to clean up. It's only proper that you expend some kind of effort in the endevor.
Whats next. Are we going to have to go into India or N. Ireland because once again situations cause by the British have boiled over and threaten to expell peace.
You see we feel kind of an obligation to our dear old mother country. She is old and feeble and can't quite get around like she did before. We like to make you feel like your being useful.Run out of steam eh Sprayber? There's plenty more up your arse BTW
Oh this is fun, I like a nice little argument for arguments sake. Helps to vent that steamSpeaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
PH: Did you not read the post immediatly before yours, or has the habit of selective reading spread to you as well.Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
Originally posted by Sprayber
PH: Did you not read the post immediatly before yours, or has the habit of selective reading spread to you as well.
Besides I missed it. It is the grief of the death of the Queen Mum, it is ruining my attention spanSpeaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
"Can't they just shoot at eachother for a while, so we can show the world England is not just playing around with it's support?"
Funny you should say that:
Over the past five years, nearly 60 British servicemen have lost their lives during peacekeeping duties in the Balkans through combat or accident.
Re: British forces clear the way for USA
Originally posted by Barley
So it seems America havn't the will or the expertise to do their own dirty work, now we have the Royal Marines and HM Parachute Regiment clearing the caves in Afganistan for those sissie american wussies.
Can't they do their own dirty work?
MOBIUS! Damn boy. I was afraid a ****eating dog got you.Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
"Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead
Re: Re: British forces clear the way for USA
Originally posted by SlowwHand
What's this? A new trash talker on the block? More Yada Yada?
MOBIUS! Damn boy. I was afraid a ****eating dog got you.
Originally posted by David James
And much of the rest of the Middle East is as much the US's fault as Britain's. This is most notably the case with Saudi Arabia, which is a US invention, and just so happens to be Osama's homeland as well as the home of practically every one of the suicide terrorists of Sept. 11 and is the source of most of his financing. The British wanted to give Arabia over to the British-installed kings of Jordan (when was the last time they caused anyone any grief? hey?) but no, Washington decided that their client/manipulator, a fellow by the name of Saud, should be made king of most of Arabia, hence Saudi Arabia, in exchange for giving the US the right to the oil that had just been found in the region. This was before WWII, I might add.
1948 Article: BritishScheme to Dislodge Americans
From Middle-East Oil Control
In recent days the inner struggle in the Arab world for domination has taken a decisive turn. The star of Ibn Saud, king of Saudi-Arabia, is setting with the rise of the star of Abdullah, king of Transjordan. In this change, the figure behind the scene are British and American interests. Abdullah is a stooge of the British. Ibn Saud is a protege of the Americans. The entire setup shows that the British have been not only playing against Jewish interests in Palestine but developing a long-range scheme against American interests in the Middle East.
The end of the First World War saw the Emir of Mecca under the Turks, Hussein Ibn Ali of the Hashimite Family, become king of independent Arabia. One of his sons, Feisal, was enthroned in Damascus, from which he was later removed by the French, and then invited to be king of the new kingdom of Iraq under the British mandate. Abdullah, another son of Hussein, and the elder brother of Feisal; became Emir of Transjordan, which had been separated from the body of Palestine but kept within the Palestine mandate entrusted to the British by the League of Nations. Thus the family of Hussein the Hashimite ruled over the major part of the Arabian Peninsula and over Iraq and Transjordan.
* * *
A LEADER of the Wahhabi tribe of religious zealots, by the name of Ibn Saud, who ruled in Nejd, in the western part of the Peninsula, rose against Hussein Ibn Ali, king of Mecca and “all Arab countries.” Only shortly before, in March, 1924, Hussein, during a visit at Amman, Transjordan, had proclaimed himself the Caliph of all Moslems. Ibn Saud marched toward Mecca. Hussein and his heir Ali were defeated. Hussein abdicated and went into exile, and was brought by a British warship to Cyprus, a British Crown Colony. There he died.
Feisal, King of Iraq, involved himself in a protracted dispute with Ibn Saud and had the British on his side. When Feisal died and his son, who succeeded him, was killed in an accident another son became the present regent of Iraq, the king being a child, a grandson of Feisal.
Abdullah is now the head of the Hashimite family and a bitter enemy of Ibn Saud, who expelled his father from Mecca. Abdullah is a British puppet and was elevated to the kingship by the British on May 25, 1946. By this step that part of the mandate over Palestine which is on the east of the Jordan was terminated—a wholly unauthorized act, since the British had no right to make such changes in the body of the mandate without the approval of the League of Nations or its heir, the United Nations.
* * *
THE head of the Moslem world is the Caliph. For centuries the Caliphate belonged to the Turkish Sultan. Since the deposal of the last Sultan, Abdul Hamid, and the rejection of the office by Kemal Ataturk, the first President of the Turkish Republic, following the separation of church and state in Turkey, there is no Caliph in the Moslem world.
The chief pretenders for the much desired role of Caliph are Abdullah, the son of Hussein, who was the deposed king of Mecca and a self-proclaimed Caliph; and Ibn Saud, the ruler of Saudi Arabia, which includes the emirate of Hejaz with Mecca and Medina. Other pretenders are King Farouk of Egypt, the most populous country in the Middle East, but his weak personality does not impress the Arab world. Still another aspirant is the exiled ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, a schemer whose entire ambition is directed toward that goal. As a student of the Moslem law he is an ignoramus, and has made many enemies among prominent Arab families because of his assassination of his political foes. With the defeat of the bands which he sent to Palestine, his star has become completely dimmed.
* * *
THE two main aspirants to domination in the Arab world are personal enemies: Ibn Saud, who gave the oil concessions in his kingdom exclusively to American interests, and thus earned the animosity of the British; and Abdullah, whom he deprived of the throne at Mecca and who is a British-created, British-supported, and British-financed king.
In the event that Abdullah, with the help of the British, is successful in the war against Jewish Palestine, he, and not Ibn Saud, will be regarded as the head of the Arab world and as the natural successor to the Caliphate.
This is the objective for which the British prepare, using Jewish Palestine as a rung in the ladder in order that they and Abdullah may return to the riches of Saudi Arabia with its oil.
It is a long-range policy camouflaged by the Palestinian problem. The British Middle-East strategists have maneuvered the American oil companies and the State Department into playing decidedly against their own interests. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en
A story my housemate the press photographer heard from a reporter who was in Afghanistan.
A squad of 20 SAS troopers and a whole bunch of Yanks were outside a cave system full of afghans. The Americans were pissing around waiting for a bunch of specialist cave warfare equipment. The SAS got bored and went in at night. They couldn't use their guns because the richochets would have a high chance of hitting their own men (which is why the Americans were waiting for their newfangled gear). So the SAS guys went in armed with knives. The next morning the Americans were a little peeved to find that the SAS had gone in and slaughtered 200 afghans with knives and they had to clean up the mess.
Hearing of this another group of SAS, this time 10 men, heard of decided it was a bit of a challenge so they decided to try and beat the bodycount and go into another cave armed with their knives. This time one of them got injured, the guy who was on the news a couple of weeks back, SAS trooper gets injured blah blah, they did wipe out another couple of hundred afghans. Again the Yanks weren't too amused.Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
We've got both kinds