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Soviet Union's Possible Success

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  • #76
    "Ja natürlich" and you're fine, so it was just 2 letters


    • #77
      *empties a bottle of vodka in one turn*


      • #78
        Originally posted by Ecthelion
        *empties a bottle of vodka in one turn*
        Yeah it would be nice.
        Damn, I jast can't do the same write now.


        • #79
          me neither, I'm just talking some rubbish

          and listening to your anthem!!!


          • #80
            Me too.


            • #81
              Communism did not work because of a few reasons.

              1. Dictator leadership. Absolute power corrupts. Stalin was worse than Hitler in terms of brutality towards peoples.

              2. No reward for innovation. If you invent something in America, you patent it and become rich. In Communism, you don't. Where's the incentive to innovate?

              3. No freedom. Believe or not, but freedom is the most important concept in the modern world. Freedom drives the US, and is the strongest incentive to fight oppression. Without freedoms, there is dissent.

              4. No personal wealth. This goes back to the reward idea. In America, if you work, even a mediocre job, for 30 years, saving your money, you can retire and enjoy the wealth you have accumalated. In the Communist system, you work for 30-40 years and retire to nothing.

              5. No possibility for change/reform. In the US, if the majority of the people don't like something about the government, they vote, and force change (i.e. John Locke). In the Communist system, the people have no voice.

              I like you Uber, but Communism isn't the answer. I dislike greedy capitalist pigs, but Communism just doesn't work. Please accept this and back another horse.

              Democracy and capitalism has its pitfalls, but it is the best system so far. Instead of supporting a system that has failed, why don't you work to reform Democracy to better the quality of life?

              You might agree with some of the Green Party's ideas (Ralph Nader). The best one I've seen is a Stock Buying Tax. It works just like a sales tax. Every time a stock is bought, there is a small tax that goes into a fund. You could create free health care, free education, and many other programs with the amount of money generated.

              Uber, as long as you support an unpopular system, your voice isn't going to be heard. People will tune you out, and you will become muted to the world.


              • #82
                in fact I understand a bit;

                Ia tozhe po Polski ne rozumeyu. hotya nashi yaziki i pohozhie.

                -Ja takze po Polsku nie rozumiem, chociaz
                nasze jezyki sa podobne (I'm not quite sure
                when it comes to the last word)

                Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnih

                Sojusz ??? (naruszymy?) republik swobodnych

                Splotila naveki velikaya Rus

                splotla na wieki wielka Rus

                etc. I understand most of the words,
                and the others seem familiar to me too,
                but I see no reason for them to be in the place.
                I wonder, do You have in Russian ?
                for example?
                "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                Middle East!


                • #83
                  Just one question: the united states skewed West German election results? Elaborate please, got any details?


                  • #84
                    Da! Nyet! Trastuit, tavaritsh! That's about all of my skills in Russian language.

                    But wasn't its territory used for an attack on the Soviet Union?
                    Yes, during operation Barbarossa. Which Finland joined to get the areas it lost in Winter War. Main reason there were Germans in Lapland was that after Winter War, Finland was in dire straits, and Germans sold us food.

                    If Finland had managed to stay neutral, it's possible that Germans would have tried to invade us and use our land in attack against Soviet Union. Then again, it's a different question how successful they'd have been. Judging from the performance of German troops stationed in Lapland...

                    But at what cost! Do you know how many people died there?
                    Siege of Leningrad was indeed costy to Russia, but considering Finland didn't participate, it's not the issue here.

                    I am not aware of such details.

                    [Mannerheim] was sufficiently broad-minded in regard to the affairs of the great powers, to refuse to actively participate in the siege of Leningrad and to cut trafic connections to Murmansk, but, on the other hand, to accept the German military assistance.

                    But anyway, weren't the Nazis granted a free pass through your territory to attack the USSR?
                    In Lapland, yes, where they proceeded to show their utter lack of knowledge about winter warfare, not to mention their snappy yet chilly summer uniforms, but I'm not aware of there being many Germans elsewhere in Finland.

                    But, I greatly disagreed about that he wanted to conquer Finland. All he wanted is to move frontier away from Leningrad.
                    Scheisse. People who only want securement of their borders don't give orders such as "stop when you reach Swedish border" and most certainly not create puppet governments ready to step in power once the capital is reached. That's exactly what Soviets did.

                    Would you deny that he offered to rent this land for 30 years or to exchange this border land for larger Soviet land, before he ordered to attack Finland?
                    I've not heard about this renting thing. However, he didn't only want the border land - he also wanted a naval base in southern Finnish city of Hanko, from where there would have only been a short trip to Helsinki, and several islands in Gulf of Finland that were seen essential to Finnish defence. The larger piece of land, counties of Repola and Porojärvi, were largely forest and Finland didn't have any special need to get those.

                    He wanted to make peacefull exchange, your government refused.
                    Baltic states had already made similar arrangements, and look what happened to them.

                    Did he want to conquer whole Finland?
                    Yes. Terijoki government. Otto Wille Kuusinen. Marching guides to Finland. "First Finnish People's Army" (largely consisting of Russian soldiers, incidentally). Secret articles of Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty. Molotov, IIRC, once said something in effect of it being lucky that Soviets didn't manage to conquer Finland, because the people were so tenacious.

                    If Nazi started their ofence from frontier which was before 1939, then Leningrad probably felt.
                    What Nazis? Where? Only Nazis were in Lapland.
                    "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
                    "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by The Vagabond
                      I suggest everyone here provide his/her ratings for the relative contribution of USSR/USA/Britain to the victory over the Nazis.

                      My ratings (quite generous to the West ):

                      USSR -- 70%
                      USA -- 15%
                      Britain -- 15%
                      Did you realize that more German divisions were broken during the Normandy Campaign than in the Kursk Campaign?
                      "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Heresson
                        etc. I understand most of the words,
                        and the others seem familiar to me too,
                        but I see no reason for them to be in the place.
                        I wonder, do You have in Russian ?
                        for example?
                        Those text was on Russian, but was typed with latin letters. May be on Russian it will be more familiar.

                        Ñîþç íåðóøèìûé ðåñïóáëèê ñâîáîäíûõ,
                        (The unbreakable union of free republics)

                        Ñïëîòèëà íà âåêè âåëèêàÿ Ðóñü,
                        (was united by great Rus)

                        Äà çäðàâñòâóåò ñîçäàíûé âîëåé íàðîäîâ,
                        (Long live, the union created by will of nations-

                        Åäèíûé, ìîãó÷èé Ñîâåòñêèé Ñîþç.
                        ( the permanent and mighty Soviet Union)


                        It's my own very bad translation.

                        Our languges very familiar I can understand some Polish words too, and even whole sentences, but I've never study Polish.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Dr Strangelove

                          Did you realize that more German divisions were broken during the Normandy Campaign than in the Kursk Campaign?
                          Exelent knowledge of history.
                          Where did you get this bèll****? In Hollywood's movie, like "Saving private Rain"?

                          The Vagabond,

                          Chto ia tebe govoril yanki prosnulis, shaz nachnetsa bred sivoi kobyly pro to kak yanki spasli mir.
                          Mat ego, sravnil jopy s palcem, normandiyu i kursk.
                          Ia c nih opredelenno figeyu, gde oni tolko berut vse eto dermo. Eto zhe nado bylo vsego za 50 s nebolshim let tak promit mozgi svoemu naseleniu i polovine mira za odno.
                          Blin jalko uhodit nado, paru dney u menya vremeni ne budet voobshe, tolko v ponedelnik poyavlus.
                          Last edited by Serb; April 6, 2002, 10:16.


                          • #88
                            Dr Strangelove,

                            My knowledge about such figures is strongly limited, but I know (source: reader's digest ) there were liek 1 million German soldiers and about 3000 German tanks there around Kursk in '43, and about 1.5x as much on the other side. Not all of them were killed or captured of course, and I don't know how much we had in the west, but I doubt there were as many soldiers and tanks in France and Belgium a year later. I don't have any figures about that though, so don't spank me if I'm wrong


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Serb
                              I think I know that word....
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • #90
                                serb - Don't think you're getting off easy, I just don't have time at the moment to give a response to everything you said. Later today though, be very afraid
                                Follow me on Twitter:
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