Administration policy was to keep us out of the war. On the sly, they may have looked the other way while the Brits smuggled war materials out. However, the primary propagandists for America's entry into the war were the Brits, the Hearst papers, and the Republican Party. Teddy Roosevelt was keen on using the war as an excuse to seize Germany's colonies.

Personally, if the German's hadn't had been so desperate as to start unrestricted submarine warfare, it's unlikely the US would ever have entervened. The Germans knew it was likely to bring us into the war, but they were making a gambit that they could starve Britain and France just enough before Yanks came over, that they'd be able to win the war.
Ah! Because of US ciivilians on British/French ships!
Which begs the question, why not take steps to warn US civilians from boarding ships headed to Europe, and why suppress German warnings?