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Most dominating tank in the world

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  • #16
    Now this is a tank:

    It's the 'Bob Semple', the finest tank ever designed and built in New Zealand

    There's info on it at this site. I especially like this bit:
    The Bob Semple was armed with 4 machine guns, it was 12 feet tall had had a crew of 8 men. 8 men? I can understand 5, but 8? 5 were probably soldiers, 1 was a shop steward, another fended off the birds trying to roost, and the last took out the trash once a day and waved to the people.
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #17
      The people who voted for M1A2,
      Could you explain what so good in your choice to backward, stereotyped Russian who still think that Russians tanks are better. Only whithout this BS like this- everyone know American tanks are better then Russians, as well as American planes are better then Russian, as well as M-16 is better then Kalashnikov, as well as American ballet is better then Russian ballet.
      Facts please.
      As for me T-80U is the better then others, it has unique features none tank in the world have.

      And it produced in city where I live.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Natan
        M1A2 is the best all-around. The Merkava has more armor and the Leclerc has more speed, but IMHO the M1A2 is superior to them both.
        Of course the Leclerc has more speed. It's vital to French military doctrine.

        No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


        • #19
          I believe that Leopard 2 and Abraams are the best MTBs currently.
          I choosed Leopard though because of its higher mobility, good armor and the Rheinmetall cannon. I think that both MTBs operate better in different environments. In deserts like Iraq Abraams would probably operate better but in a European theater Leopard 2 would be more successful.

          Abraams is a very heavy MTB but if use the uranium armor and shells then no enemy MTB can stand a chance against it.

          T-90 is a very new MTB and I don't know a think about it but T-80 was a good MTB.

          Merkava has a high survival factor.

          Leclerc had good electronics.

          BTW, why Leopard 2 A4 and not Leopard 2 A5?


          • #20
            I voted for the bottom one (edit later), that would be the tank used by the banana nation
            This space is empty... or is it?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Serb
              The people who voted for M1A2,
              Could you explain what so good in your choice to backward, stereotyped Russian who still think that Russians tanks are better. Only whithout this BS like this- everyone know American tanks are better then Russians, as well as American planes are better then Russian, as well as M-16 is better then Kalashnikov, as well as American ballet is better then Russian ballet.
              Facts please.
              As for me T-80U is the better then others, it has unique features none tank in the world have.

              And it produced in city where I live.
              Obviously it is a stealth tank, since no pictures are displayed on the site you linked to...


              • #22
                I voted for the Merkava due to it's very sensible design that not only stresses crew survival, but rapid loading of munitions.
                He's got the Midas touch.
                But he touched it too much!
                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                • #23
                  BTW, if it is about most dominating tanks ever, I vote for the T34. For today´s tanks I can´t decide between M1 and Leo2...


                  • #24
                    Serb: The M1A2 is better because it is better.

                    -The T-80/T-90 tanks have an "auto-loader" in place of a crewman. The crewman in an M1A2 can load shells faster and safer then an autoloader, and help out with damage control, maintainance, re-arming, and various other tasks, in addition to weighing less, and being more reliable.
                    -The M1A2 tank is faster then the T-90.
                    -The M1A2 tank consumes fuel at roughly the same rate as the T-90.
                    -The M1A2 has a larger fuel tank then the T-90.
                    -The Chobham reactive armor on an M1A2 is almost impossible to penetrate with any consistancy. This is the best and most efficient armor plating in the world, per inch and per pound.
                    -The main cannon on the M1A2 can fire farther and with greater accuracy then the gun on the T-90, especially when the vehicle is moving perpendicular to the angle of fire.
                    -The US army can afford more M1A2s then the Russian army can afford T-90s.
                    -Quality control of Abrams tanks is far superior to that over any Russian design. This is a problem that has plagued Russia since WW1.
                    -American soldiers have been driving the M1 series longer then Russians have been driving the T-80/90. This means that American tankers are better trained then their Russian counterparts.
                    -The vast majority of American combat tanks are M1A2s, or a variation thereof. There are some specialized versions of other vehicles (engineer tanks, bridge-layers, minesweepers...). The T-90 makes up less then a third of the Russian arsenal. Other vehicles include the T-80, the T-72, the T-55, and even some (in the Far East Military District) JS-3s, and T-34/45s.

                    I hope this helps.

                    If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by faded glory

                      Cause my girlfriend kicked my ass off to check her mail. Ok find me a link ill edit it.

                      I have to go again tho.
                      I am not 411, do a search on

                      The ariete is my favorite, an Italian built tank it has made the Italian Army a reputable fighting force in constrast with its very poor quality in WWII.
                      For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by steelehc
                        Serb: The M1A2 is better because it is better.

                        -The T-80/T-90 tanks have an "auto-loader" in place of a crewman. The crewman in an M1A2 can load shells faster and safer then an autoloader, and help out with damage control, maintainance, re-arming, and various other tasks, in addition to weighing less, and being more reliable.
                        -The M1A2 tank is faster then the T-90.
                        -The M1A2 tank consumes fuel at roughly the same rate as the T-90.
                        -The M1A2 has a larger fuel tank then the T-90.
                        -The Chobham reactive armor on an M1A2 is almost impossible to penetrate with any consistancy. This is the best and most efficient armor plating in the world, per inch and per pound.
                        -The main cannon on the M1A2 can fire farther and with greater accuracy then the gun on the T-90, especially when the vehicle is moving perpendicular to the angle of fire.
                        -The US army can afford more M1A2s then the Russian army can afford T-90s.
                        -Quality control of Abrams tanks is far superior to that over any Russian design. This is a problem that has plagued Russia since WW1.
                        -American soldiers have been driving the M1 series longer then Russians have been driving the T-80/90. This means that American tankers are better trained then their Russian counterparts.
                        -The vast majority of American combat tanks are M1A2s, or a variation thereof. There are some specialized versions of other vehicles (engineer tanks, bridge-layers, minesweepers...). The T-90 makes up less then a third of the Russian arsenal. Other vehicles include the T-80, the T-72, the T-55, and even some (in the Far East Military District) JS-3s, and T-34/45s.

                        I hope this helps.

                        The Abrams is the best tank.... by far.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BeBro
                          BTW, if it is about most dominating tanks ever, I vote for the T34. For today´s tanks I can´t decide between M1 and Leo2...
                          I'd vote for the Tiger Tank... the only reason they were not a factor in the outcome of WWII is because there weren't enough of them.

                          "Quantity has a quality all of its own."


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Serb
                            Could you explain what so good in your choice to backward, stereotyped Russian who still think that Russians tanks are better.
                            The USMC with M-60A3 had a fight with the Iraq Rep. Guard with their T-80s and T-72 at the Kuwaite Airport and kill every single tank without a single loss to the Marines. Also every time a M-1A1 fought another tank, the other tank lost.

                            Only with out this BS like this- everyone know American tanks are better then Russians, as well as American planes are better then Russian,
                            To date no American F-14, F-15, F-16, and F/A-18 has been shot down by another airplane. Now some of Irans F-14 were shot down years ago. The F-15 however has never been shot down in an air to air no matter what country was flying the F-15. We did loose 2 F/A-18 in the Gulf War to anti-air missile (SAM).

                            as well as M-16 is better then Kalashnikov,
                            Chris can talk to this.

                            as well as American ballet is better then Russian ballet.
                            I have never been to Ballet.
                            Facts please.
                            As for me T-80U is the better then others, it has unique features none tank in the world have.

                            And it produced in city where I live. [/QUOTE]


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Keygen
                              T-90 is a very new MTB and I don't know a think about it but T-80 was a good MTB.
                              T-80U is entierly new tank (I don't know why constructors didn't gave different name for him, but just added one letter 'U'), it is not the same as old T-80 and it is better then T-90.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by BeBro
                                Obviously it is a stealth tank, since no pictures are displayed on the site you linked to...
                                No it is not a classified tank as our newest type known as "Black Eagle". T-80U was sold to many countries of the world, so you could find it's pictures easily through search.
                                Attached Files

