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911 Was a Mossad False Flag Operation

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  • #61
    Originally posted by WFHermans
    Hey, don't kill me, the messenger. And this has nothing to do with anti or pro Israel. The question is whether there was foresight of 911 in Mossad/CIA circles. Some writers in Israel know this to be true too, for instance Barry Chamish at, Israel Shamir at Check them out before calling them anti-semites.
    You can check out with mostly mainstream sources. A good site is also and you had better be fast because geocities has the habit of censuring information the sheeple are not supposed to know. J
    Just look at the arguments and the facts. And most important, look at who is censoring the facts. When people are jailed, are not allowed to speak to an attorney, are held for as long as the government wants and are then sentenced in secret trials then every reasonable person understand that the government has something very evil to hide.
    Even if you don't have access to all the facts you can still ask yourself WHO PROFITS.
    And the groups that profit most are the zionist leaders, the military-industrial complex, the political elite. Not some Afghan Taliban cavedwellers.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Ming

      HEY! Attack the opinion/statement... NOT THE PERSON!

      And anyway, it's far easier to attack his idiotic and moronic theory.
      Hello Ming. These are a selection of quotes by this raging arsehole who's recently stinking out this forum.

      "The sixpointed star represents Satan, the crown symbolizes the master of the world, which is how satan and his sons, the jews, see themselves. Blue is the colour of the sky."

      " The Insect in the Coffee Cup

      If an Insect Falls in Your Cup of Coffee- what
      would you do?
      Here is one analysis:

      1.The Englishman: Throws the cup away and walks out
      of the cafe

      2.The American: Takes the insect out and drinks the

      3.The Chinese: Eats the insect and throws the coffee

      4.The Besieged Palestinian: Drinks the coffee and the

      5.The Israeli:
      * Sells the coffee to the American and the insect to
      the Chinese
      * Screams that his security is in peril
      * Accuses the Palestinians of throwing the insect in
      his coffee
      * Alleges that Hizbullah, the Syrians and the Iranians
      advocate attacks with weapons of mass
      * Relates this vicious attack to Palestinian
      Terrorism, Attacks on Human Rights, Anti-Semitism,
      the Holocaust, the Diaspora, the Exodus,
      Discrimination against Noah's Ark
      * Commands Arafat to immediately stop insects
      flying in the air or landing in coffee cups>
      * Re-occupies the West Bank and Gaza, razes
      houses,cuts off water and electricity, humiliates
      terrorizes civilians, kills or maims anyone in his
      * Imposes more military aid on the American
      * Demands a 100-year, billion-dollar, loan from
      America to buy another cup of coffee.
      *Claims life-time free coffee from the cafe as

      "And why do jews only tell the truth when it serves their interest?"

      "Israel is such a country. according to Torah they have to exterminate every non-jew in Israel.

      So let's nuke BOTH Washington and Jerusalem and take out two terrorist nations that have weapons of mass destuction and have already used them."

      Given the material we're working with here, I'm going to argue very strongly that attacking the person in addition to the message is highly laudable. Believe me, if he carries on his little crusade of idiocies I'm certainly going to be doing so.
      The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


      • #63

        also :

        the long post , including:
        Perhaps we can help make this the beginning of the end for the Jews.


        • #64
          Howabout we just stick WTF?Hermans in the same room with Civnation?
          Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.

