I rose from the seat of ease the other day, and noticed how I no longer feel that I am winning the battle against gravity. Sure, I've put on some weight, perhaps 20 lbs over, but in my heart I know that it is my age that is telling.
Anyway, it got me thinking about gravity, that funny, unaccountable force.
As I looked down at the tile bathroom floor, towards the center of the earth itself, I considered... Where was the force eminating from that has begun to give me such a fight? Well, from everywhere in which there was anything according to science. The very tile itself was pulling at me...a little, and I at it, small consolation. In fact I am pulling at the earth, at the planets, at the sun and all the universe. I am pulling on everything, though the force is feeble, and the farther away the weaker it gets. Still, when you consider the amount of matter in the universe, to exert any pull at all on every bit of it must require a tremendous force, exerted over fantastic distances, yes?
My point is, how can my body, or that tile or any bit of matter continueously exert force without expending fuel of some kind? This whole galaxy is spinning because gravity is constantly pulling. If gravity were to run out of energy then the galaxy would fly apart. Yet even the smallest speck of sand never ever stops pulling for all eternity.
I mean, wtf?
Anyway, it got me thinking about gravity, that funny, unaccountable force.
As I looked down at the tile bathroom floor, towards the center of the earth itself, I considered... Where was the force eminating from that has begun to give me such a fight? Well, from everywhere in which there was anything according to science. The very tile itself was pulling at me...a little, and I at it, small consolation. In fact I am pulling at the earth, at the planets, at the sun and all the universe. I am pulling on everything, though the force is feeble, and the farther away the weaker it gets. Still, when you consider the amount of matter in the universe, to exert any pull at all on every bit of it must require a tremendous force, exerted over fantastic distances, yes?
My point is, how can my body, or that tile or any bit of matter continueously exert force without expending fuel of some kind? This whole galaxy is spinning because gravity is constantly pulling. If gravity were to run out of energy then the galaxy would fly apart. Yet even the smallest speck of sand never ever stops pulling for all eternity.
I mean, wtf?