Originally posted by Urban Ranger
It's not that simple. Large amounts of carbon dioxide is trapped in the permafrost now. Increasing the surface temperature will cause the permafrost to melt, thus releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Right now the global climatic system is relatively stable, but once you tip it over there's no telling how far it will go.
It's not that simple. Large amounts of carbon dioxide is trapped in the permafrost now. Increasing the surface temperature will cause the permafrost to melt, thus releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Right now the global climatic system is relatively stable, but once you tip it over there's no telling how far it will go.
- this is the philosophy I follow:
"Finally these periods of glaciation and deglaciation were occurring long before the industrial revolution and fossil fuel was not known, however global warming did occur during each of these cycles. In addition, deglaciation that occurred during the present cycle which started over 10,000 years ago was due to this variable constant (conduction constant) is sufficient evidence that global warming is not due to use of fossil fuel, however the use of fossil fuel could contribute to global warming."