Originally posted by Comrade Tribune
First of all, prove he really *did* hit any civilians.
First of all, prove he really *did* hit any civilians.
Second, in a combat situation, with the odds 10:1 against me, I wouldn´t waste time on civilians, so it´s really unlikely he targeted them on purpose. Much more likely he used them as shields, and they got hit by the panicked Israelis; this I would find believable.

Don´t be silly; they do what they think is helping their cause, and within their means.
I called no one a Nazi. I use my words with care. I said I don´t hold those who fight for Sharon and Bush in a higher regard than those who fought for Hitler. This says nothing about their ideology.

Oh, and your beloved Saddam: He cooperated with the CIA in the 50s, exterminated the Kurds in the 80s, and slaughtered tens of thousands in the nineties. That's without mentioning the thousands sent home in sealed coffins after his secret police finished with them.