But when you deny sayng something you just said....that's where I draw the line. That means Ramo that your very sneaky and don't take this convo seriously.

Don't you think you're getting a little paranoid?

"Why should truth values be attached to baseless assumptions? They're meaningless."
This makes me wonder if you know "what you even believe yourself. This isn't the first time you've done this Ramo. If you want anyone to take you seriously at least pay attention to what you say. Because its not my job to look up and find your statements for you.
This makes me wonder if you know "what you even believe yourself. This isn't the first time you've done this Ramo. If you want anyone to take you seriously at least pay attention to what you say. Because its not my job to look up and find your statements for you.
I am not saying your assumptions are not true, I am saying they cannot be true.
No here I got to thinking he must mean "true" when he says validity. Because if Ramo knew basic logic he would know that validity alone isn't enough to establish a given conclusion. That takes 2 things 1) Validity and 2) True premises. True premises are important for this reason:
I can make this argument using Ramo's logic: All Marxists are evil
Preston is a Marxist
Therefore Preston is evil.
Valid yes. But since the premises are not known to be true its very weak.
I can make this argument using Ramo's logic: All Marxists are evil
Preston is a Marxist
Therefore Preston is evil.
Valid yes. But since the premises are not known to be true its very weak.
Ramo says he has 1(which he doesn't because if the viewpoints were infinite and all equal
Hence, there could be "infinite" viewpoints but all of them could simply be wrong. I don't see how the fact that there are "possible viewpoints" establishes or proves in any way that reality is subjective.
Ramo basic logic tells you reality means nothing in a vacuum. Ramo's argument must be more then just valid, it must be strong or sound.
Rand may be somewhat odd btw, but at least her beliefs seem to be better then yours.

Is there some particular reason why you're always defensive? I only asked the question because every other objectivist I know is a Randian...
You seem to believe that unless there are premises that validly lead up to a given point that the statement is meaningless.
or lacks a truth-value. Such a view bespeaks an ignorance of critical thinking. Validity only applies to arguments which are built on true premises.
Certain things though can be said to be true without argument,things like basic facts and such.
Remember that a sound or strong argument consists of two main elements 1) Validity and 2) True premises. Meaning some things don't necesserally require validity to be true(these thing being original premises).
Things can be true without being conclusions...either sound or strong.
OK, you still don't get why that's relativism. You state all these assumptions are baseless and meaningless.
To me it appeared as if by "valid" you meant true.
His proof in the form of an analogy:
Assuming there is a God. Remember for an argument to be strong or sound its premises have to be true.
What do names have to do with interpretations? That's quite a leap to go from the assumed God's names to all interpretations.
Again Ramo assumes that since his argument is "valid" it is strong. That's only half of it friend. The other half is having true premises. Without that your argument may be valid...but weak.
If its not an objective standard then it can prove nothing. Look at what the textbook I quoted had to say about objective and subjective claims.
First off define useful.
Secondly, by saying all asumptions are baseless you are saying they are equal. How can one baseless assumption be better then another?
You stated that it was a baseless subjectivist assumption, in which case it cannot be a standard of truth.
Well Ramo maybe if you weren't ambiguous I would.
The fact that you didn't realize that with my paragraph long answer tells me it is you, not I, that am not reading these posts.
That's what subjectivism entails.
Subjectivism is basically saying all claims,truths etc are subjective.
Anyways Ramo, I've always showed why relativist/subjectivist(interchangeable terms) positions are contradictory numerous times.
So to be "real" and object has to be seen? I've never seen my brain, so according to Ramo's theories, my brain is "unreal", as is any concept like science,physics, and zoology.
Are you saying that ideas are not real?
Or that these ideas and methods(Like science) don't describe reality just cause I can't see a science running around?
Are you saying all evidence is derived from sense experience btw
If there is no objective reality Ramo, then sense experience is no better a standard then imagination.

There's always a possibility that I'm in a "Matrix"-type situation, for instance. I assume that this isn't the case.
Ramo, if everything is subjective and everybodies right, then the idea that there can be something called "evidence" which gets us closer to the truth is meaningless.
[qutoe]In the subjectivist view reality is whatever one wants it to be. I'm getting annoyed by your inability to grasp that obvious statement.[/quote]
Where did I contradict that?
If it's subjective, whatever I percieve or think it to be, then my concepts never have to change.
The very concept of reality loses meaning in the subjectivist viewpoint.
Well that makes me wonder now how you came to the conlcusion that an assumption was incorrect.
If logic is a construct it is not a very good standard Ramo.
In your view at least, in which case it cannot be used to establish Quantum Mechanics.
Also define "work things out".
Actually its only an ad hominen if I say that disproves subjectivism.
How is that conveniant?

I have to admit when I'm wrong and actually admit that being correct is more then a matter of just inventing things. I actually have to work to acquire knowledge.

Also, Ramo, what makes you think everything becomes a matter of black and white in the objectivist viewpoint?
I try to avoid reducing everything to the simplistic black/white only, or all is grey mentality.
That in no way refutes what I was saying.
