This was already brought up by orange, but it bears bringing up again, DF. You say that what is right doesn't matter; what is legal does.
For starters, look at what orange said about the difficulty of changing the system and amending the Constitution when slaves couldn't vote. Imagine that your country is a monarchy with its Constitution saying "Whatever the king says is law. This can be changed only by royal deree from the king."
You're also forgetting just what kind of pond scum the CSA had as a government. Alexander Stephens, the VP, immediately comes to mind, an ineffective bureaucrat and virulent racist (who talked about how the CSA was the first state to be founded on the great principle of the inequality of the white and Negro). This was not a noble group worth defending.
And at least the Southern officer class were, in general, good and moral men - men such as Jackson, Lee, etc.