Originally posted by lightblue
Well there's a couple of species of fish alive now that might be relics that are similar to the species of fish that first conquered land. There are certain fish that have lungs as well as gills (http://www.gearupchicago.org/Academ...sh/lungfish.htm) . There are also fish that can "walk" around across small pieces of land from one pond to another. Examples of these are the mudskipper (http://www.encyclopedia.com/articlesnew/32309.html) or the Climbing Perch (http://www.encyclopedia.com/articlesnew/38187.html).
Well there's a couple of species of fish alive now that might be relics that are similar to the species of fish that first conquered land. There are certain fish that have lungs as well as gills (http://www.gearupchicago.org/Academ...sh/lungfish.htm) . There are also fish that can "walk" around across small pieces of land from one pond to another. Examples of these are the mudskipper (http://www.encyclopedia.com/articlesnew/32309.html) or the Climbing Perch (http://www.encyclopedia.com/articlesnew/38187.html).
I think you are another of these creationists that has no real concept of the timescales involved. I realise that evolution cannot have happened in the timescales desribed by the Bible, which only goes to show that it is a work of fiction (like Dante's Inferno).
Let's use a biblical date as a reference point. JC was supposedly born about 2000 years ago.
Amphibians appear in the fossile record about 350 MILLION years ago, ...
... which is a 175000 longer ago than Roman times. If you look at the average generation time of amphibians which is about a year or so, depending on the species, then that's is 350 million generations of amphibians since then. Then about 300 M years ago the reptiles appear. Reptiles are basically amphibians that do not rely on water to survive as they are fully able to breathe trough their lungs. Mammals appear a 100 M years later (which is still a 100000 times longer ago than JC).
Now I realise that these timescales are almost beyond the realms of the comprehensible, but that's what they are.
Now I realise that these timescales are almost beyond the realms of the comprehensible, but that's what they are.
As an example of evolution at work, you only have to look at HIV. Random mutations (due to the inefficiency of it polymerase) result in large numbers of viurses that carry mutations. Most of these mutations are going to be deleterious, some are going to have no effect at all. Now put a heavy selectable pressure on them, for example by giving a retroviral drug that interferes with the HIV protease. At first the viral load drops dramatically, however some virus will have mutated in such a way the protease changes shape, and the drug has no effect anymore. This virus will then replicate, and soon the viral loads are back up again. Which is why nowadays combinations of three or four drugs are used, as the change of a strain developing that can beat all 3-4 actions is infitessmally small. However, at some point such a virus will arise, and the patient will still die. In the mean time billions upon billions of virus particles will have been produced, many of which will not have had the chance to infect another cell, and replicate.
Evolution is all a numbers game. No need for a guiding hand, and definitely no instant creation a we are now.