Originally posted by The Mad Monk
You are missing the point. Jesus claimed that he could forgive sins, something only God could do; to prove it, he healed the paralytic as a sign of authority--one that GOD would NOT allow him to provide if he were lying. The Apostles certainly healed as well, as a sign of their authority--which they used to proclaim the truth of Jesus as God.
You are missing the point. Jesus claimed that he could forgive sins, something only God could do; to prove it, he healed the paralytic as a sign of authority--one that GOD would NOT allow him to provide if he were lying. The Apostles certainly healed as well, as a sign of their authority--which they used to proclaim the truth of Jesus as God.
If you really read my argumentations, or even studied a little deep the Scriptures, there's no way you would say that Jesus is Jehovah! The hole idea is so absurd! Why would Jesus die then? Why would his "blood" serve as a ransom for humanity? Who would get that ransom then?