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The Apalling Spectacle of American Christianity

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  • #91
    "Roland, "intellectually stagnant" is too harsh a phrase to use for a country that committed the apparently unforgivable sin of not following your favored political and economic biases..."

    As I also said this stagnation had the positive side effect of no Hitler and no Stalin, I wouldn't say it was harsh. It is interesting though to see how for example democratic socialism never took of in the US. And that is no bias of mine, as I'm following classic liberalism and consider the US to be way too statist.

    "I do hope that you don't use this unfortunate turn of words when you discuss China, Japan, and other countries not fortunate enough to produce leaders ranging in quality from Joseph II to Hitler."

    Asian "circular" thinking has been quite stagnant. And what about our Josef nr 2 ?


    • #92
      Btw, religious nutjobs... there is a funny story going on here: some catholic order in bavaria (Schulschwestern or so) tore out the sex-ed pages from the biology school books. They were reprimanded by the authorities (IIRC it was a private school yet mostly state-funded and therefore under government oversight). Now the Archbishop of Salzburg, the glorious Primas Germaniae, accused the authorities of using Nazi-methods, and declared the nutty nuns to be martyrs for non-sex-ed education. LMAO...

