I like Provost Harrington...umm, Hardingson...ahh hmm. Anyway, I remember him so very well, friendly sort, certainly the best of the Brits. Granted, that in itself is hardly a recomendation... However he was a pleasure to have around. He's gotten in some sort of trouble w/ the top brass around here, though I honestly don't know the particulars and don't care to have them discussed here, besides it would get this thread shut in a heartbeat as a dire threat to something or other. Just thought if enough people added 'Provost' to their names he might get pissed off and come back to tell us to quit it. Or perhaps take it as a sign of our unrelieved affections.
Provost Harrison, that's it.
'Provost Lancer', hmmm. Hmmm. *quietly debates*
Provost Harrison, that's it.
'Provost Lancer', hmmm. Hmmm. *quietly debates*