Originally posted by Sirotnikov
And we all know how quility of life is great in ukraine
And we all know how quility of life is great in ukraine

Which says nothing about the well-being of it's civilians. If anything they gayned from the resources and slaves captured.
That is what a government could be if directed towards evil.
However modern day governments observe laws which are needed to have bounds for a possible life of a society.
If there is no "don't kill, don't steal" law, then people would kill and steal.

In which case
a) you advocate the imposing of a majority of a minority
a) you advocate the imposing of a majority of a minority
b) you can't create a huge assembly - you have to create representatives for "bigger scale" assemblies, in which you again create elites.
What an Anarchist society could look like - http://www.infoshop.org/faq/secIcon.html
An anarchist organising manual - http://www.radio4all.org/aia/
Your claim that anarchists can't organise, and that organisation always leads to hierarchy, is proof of your ignorance of Anarchism. We have built organisations with millions of members along anarchist principles without any kind of upper caste. The CNT is one famous example. You have to be an ignorant fool to reject a philosophy despite hardly having read a word about it.
Crime is caused be lawlessness and lack of morals rather than poverty.
Many poor people do not crime. Yet many rich people do crime, in hope to become richer.
Crime is caused by Greed and caring for oneself over another.
Furthermore, classes aren't a cause for poverty rather a result.
Classes don't really exist in non-monarchic/feudal societies.

Today classes exist as a way to describe differences between professions and income, which will not go away unless you give everyone the same pay no matter what they do.
People who are ignorant of anti-class critiques often blather nonsense about "giving everyone the same pay no matter what they do." Such statements completely ignore the structures of class society and the critiques of them. In capitalism one class, the capitalists, make their living primarily off their ownership of the means of production. They thus accumulate massive amounts of wealth due to this ownership. If property relations were changed this would also change. For example, syndicalists advocate the means of production (factories, mines, etc.) being owned by the people who work in them, the workers. This would greatly change the distribution of wealth since the workers would probably choose to distribute the wealth among them approximately equally (or proportional to working time), rather then giving the majority of it to some capitalist who doesn't even work there.
The structure of a company is essentially fascist in nature. There is a hierarchical power structure, with those at the top exerting almost complete control over those under them. Those on the bottom must obey those on the top, period. While there may be some amount of consultation from the top to the lower levels, the same can be said of any slave society. There are no elections, no voting. Those on top have an absolute rule. Capitalism is an economic dictatorship. The fact that one can quit a job is irrelevant - if you could immigrate from a totaltarian society that wouldn't make totaltarianism right.
Incorrect, since crime is caused when people are greedy, not poor or rich.
A police is there to enforce laws which are agreed upon by society in which they serve.
And Isolation is infact prison.
social pressure is infact taxes / fines.
social pressure is infact taxes / fines.
The state has monopoly over law-enforcement, not about laws.
The state has to have monopoly over law-enforcement, otherwise, people could make up their own laws and enforce them.
But there are proper mechanisms to stop politicians from getting thuggish.
There also are mechanisms to stop people from getting thuggish. There are also mechanisms to have people become politicians and politicians lose thier status.
But politicians are needed since a horde can't rule itself in a non=representative form.
But politicians are needed since a horde can't rule itself in a non=representative form.
"All the methods employed -- divine consecration, selection, succession, voting and elections, assemblies, parliaments and senates -- have proved and still prove ineffective. Everybody knows that not one of these methods has succeeded either in preventing the misuse of power or in entrusting it only to immaculate men. Everybody knows on the contrary that men possessed of power -- be they emperors, ministers, chiefs of police, or policemen -- are for that very reason more apt to become demoralized (that is, to subordinate the public interest to their own) than men who do not possess power, nor can it be otherwise." - Leo Tolstoy
Yes, but that authoritaran society would not be as benevolent as todays democracy.
You should really read about a philosophy before you start trying to criticise it, instead of displaying your ignorance so blatantly.
"Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners." - Edward Abbey