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Stupid People

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  • Stupid People

    Over the last couple of days I have come to the conclusion that some people should not be allowed to re-produce.

    On Thursday I went into the toilets in a lesson break to have a pee, all the urinals were in use so I went into a cubical and shut the door without locking it. I'd just started to pee when someone bursts in, sees me and shouts


    "What are you a ****ing comedian or something, what does it look like I'm doing" I replied without turning round. He was a little surprised by this. 5 seconds later hes still standing there

    "Get the **** out of here" I said and he walked off, he didn't even close the door again, grr.


    That afternoon I'm driving along a narrow road, another car is also coming along, there is a small lay by in front of me, I pull into it so the other car can come through (There was more than enough room). So what does he do, he comes to complete stop and waits, there is no way in hell my car will fit through where he is, so I flash my lights and wave him through, he sits there, I beep my horn and wave him through again, he still sits there, I wind my window down and tell him to come through, he sits there, I shout at him and beep my horn. He then reverses the car half a mile up the road until he could pull in to a gap and let me through. What a moron wasted 10 minutes faffing around!


    Then on Friday I'm in the college car park just about to reverse out of my space when a fairly attractive girl puts her car right in the way, I beep my horn, she winds down the window

    "Can I have that space?" she asks

    "Dunno, depends if I can get out of it first doesn't it" I replied looking pointedly at her car

    She waits about 10 seconds before she twigs that I can't move unless she does, so she reverses out into the access road (which connects the various bays with the exit) blocking the way again

    "And where I am supposed to go now?" I ask trying to keep the acidity to a minimum

    She goes bright red and then reverses right the way out to the exit causing utter chaos (she could have pulled into one the bays but nooo), she reaches the exit and stops the car, she then says "I'm really sorry about that, is there anything I can do" I was tempted to ask "do you swallow" but decided against it. I just smiled and said

    "It's ok, I'll see you around"

    Bloody idiots
    "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

    "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton

  • #2
    I think we should ehar the other peoples' versions of events, mainly to find out if she does swallow.


    • #3
      OK, you've met these people but you'll never meet them again in your life (probably).
      But I have to work with them 5 days a week for the whole year and I keep asking myself how did they even finish elementary school.


      • #4
        I think we should ehar the other peoples' versions of events, mainly to find out if she does swallow.
        I think the guy that stormed into the bathroom does.
        When one is someone, why should one want to be something?
        ~Gustave Flaubert


        • #5
          I agree with ya totally C0ckney


          • #6
            Women and driving

            I saw a thing on tv some time ago. It was about differences in the brain between men and women.

            Women seem to have difficulty with time and space. They don't know where their car is in traffic.


            • #7
              Just look at any smoker.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Juggler
                OK, you've met these people but you'll never meet them again in your life (probably).
                But I have to work with them 5 days a week for the whole year and I keep asking myself how did they even finish elementary school.
                Luckily, being the office idiot I don't have to put up with people stupider than me.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Seneca

                  Luckily, being the office idiot I don't have to put up with people stupider than me.
                  Stop quoting Dubya.
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • #10
                    Just look at any smoker.

                    Shut up and pass the joint (now whatever happened to the hippie smiley?)


                    • #11
                      I cant say that I ever had to deal with a dude bursting into a urinal before

                      But when I worked at Taco bell when I was 15, a dude went into the bathroom and took a huge chit... then wiped his ass, stuck it to the mirrors and handles and threw his plastic Taco Bell cup in the toilet and flushed it(Flooding it so bad it backed upon into the restuarant doorway..... (I had to clean it up of course )

                      I dont know if thats stupid or just being an *******. But from what I hear, the two go hand in hand.


                      • #12
                        awww, poor faded, was it fun cleaning the bathroom using his face?

                        You should have grabbed the sucka and make him lick the floor clean.
                        Last edited by Sirotnikov; January 12, 2002, 19:34.


                        • #13
                          Re: Stupid People

                          Originally posted by C0ckney

                          Then on Friday I'm in the college car park just about to reverse out of my space when a fairly attractive girl puts her car right in the way, I beep my horn, she winds down the window

                          "Can I have that space?" she asks

                          "Dunno, depends if I can get out of it first doesn't it" I replied looking pointedly at her car

                          She waits about 10 seconds before she twigs that I can't move unless she does, so she reverses out into the access road (which connects the various bays with the exit) blocking the way again

                          "And where I am supposed to go now?" I ask trying to keep the acidity to a minimum

                          She goes bright red and then reverses right the way out to the exit causing utter chaos (she could have pulled into one the bays but nooo), she reaches the exit and stops the car, she then says "I'm really sorry about that, is there anything I can do" I was tempted to ask "do you swallow" but decided against it. I just smiled and said

                          "It's ok, I'll see you around"

                          Bloody idiots
                          That's a funny story!
                          Maybe her blonde moments are a result of trying too hard. LOL

                          I once had a girl get "in my way" at least once a week in college. It ONLY took me two months to figure out she wanted to get my attention. She was soooo cute that it never occured to me that she could be interested in a physics geek.
                          sum dum guy


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by faded glory
                            I cant say that I ever had to deal with a dude bursting into a urinal before

                            But when I worked at Taco bell when I was 15, a dude went into the bathroom and took a huge chit... then wiped his ass, stuck it to the mirrors and handles and threw his plastic Taco Bell cup in the toilet and flushed it(Flooding it so bad it backed upon into the restuarant doorway..... (I had to clean it up of course )

                            I dont know if thats stupid or just being an *******. But from what I hear, the two go hand in hand.

                            Kids used to do that in my elementary school, they'd piss all over the place and **** in the sink and other disgusting stuff like that... I once walked in on them doing that, and everyone just sort of stoped and stared at each other for a minute or two (one of them had to finish pissing on the wall before he could join in the staring) untill I turned around and left, to go to the other bathroom. That moment competes for a place in both my most awkward and most disgusting experiences.
                            Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                            Do It Ourselves


                            • #15
                              Over the last couple of days I have come to the conclusion that some people should not be allowed to re-produce.

                              Only over the last couple of days? I've known people are idiots for years now (Apolyton happens to be part of the research ).
                              “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                              - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

