Originally posted by Berzerker
Sikander -
These were people alredy suffering from depression.
Sikander -
These were people alredy suffering from depression.
In Marijuana: Drugs of Abuse, Volume I, Mark S. Gold, MD, writes "individuals may use marijuana in the mistaken belief that it will help them sleep or that it will relieve their depression, but in reality marijuana has been shown to cause insomnia and depression"
He isn't talking about the depressed people using it because they are depressed, he is talking about marijuana in general terms when he says it has been shown to cause insomnia and depression. I know several people who can't get to sleep when they smoke weed, and I know many people who are less depressed when they are clean than they are when they use. While the effects seem to vary from individual to individual, and even the same person can be effected differently at different times, I don't think that this MD is stretching things in his statement. Since I don't have his book, but just found this snippet on the web I don't have any footnotes or bibliography naming a particular study.
Originally posted by Berzerker
So where is the study showing a higher incidence of depression among pot smokers - and no, not "addicts"? I smoked quite a bit of pot and never suffered depression or insomnia. If my "case history" is anecdotal and to be dismissed, why are the anecdotes offered by this guy valuable?
So where is the study showing a higher incidence of depression among pot smokers - and no, not "addicts"? I smoked quite a bit of pot and never suffered depression or insomnia. If my "case history" is anecdotal and to be dismissed, why are the anecdotes offered by this guy valuable?
QUOTE] Originally posted by Berzerker
This just refuted the claims in your sources.[/QUOTE]
Let's look at the whole quote, which came from a pro-hemp site btw,
Excessive daily use of marijuana can lead to depression, lethargy, and a feeling of the "blahs." Some people use the drug to constantly "escape" from the mundane world. People with a tendency toward depression should be careful when using marijuana as it can make some depression symptoms worse.
If you are taking anti-depressants and the medications is controlling your symptoms, then moderate use of marijuana should pose no problem.
If depression worsens, you should consult with your physician about changing dosage or type of anti-depressant and possibly reducing the amount of marijuana consumed. There is an equal chance that marijuana will help your depression.
The only source this refutes is itself. The reason I included it was that even pro-hemp people realize that this issue is consequential, even though they themselves are either divided on the issue, or believe that the effect of the drug is heavily dependent upon the brain chemistry of the person taking it.
Originally posted by Berzerker
Exactly! Anecdotal evidence is often used to prove a point while it is ignored when it refutes a point. I was hoping for an actual study showing a higher incidence of depression among pot users (and not just heavy users). I wouldn't doubt heavy use of pot can have negative effects on some people, that just hasn't been my experience.
Exactly! Anecdotal evidence is often used to prove a point while it is ignored when it refutes a point. I was hoping for an actual study showing a higher incidence of depression among pot users (and not just heavy users). I wouldn't doubt heavy use of pot can have negative effects on some people, that just hasn't been my experience.
We probably don't need a study to show that depression is more likely among pot users than non users, since more young people tend to get high than older people, and young people suffer from depression at a higher rate than non-geriatric adults. Also, drug users in general suffer from higher rates of depression. The question is does marijuana cause, or excacerbate the symptoms of, depression in large enough numbers of people to be considered a risk. My opinion is yes it does. I'm not saying don't anyone smoke weed, I'm saying watch out, especially if you are already someone who gets depressed, who has a family history of serious depression, or are someone who is currently depressed.
Originally posted by Berzerker
"All"? You stayed in close contact with every pot user you knew in school? Most pot smokers don't even continue using that long and my experience doesn't support your claims - but that is anecdotal too.
"All"? You stayed in close contact with every pot user you knew in school? Most pot smokers don't even continue using that long and my experience doesn't support your claims - but that is anecdotal too.