1,070 years of republican government. ONE THOUSAND AND SEVENTY CONTINUOUS YEARS. Based on a city state, indeed, but as any Northern Italian, or Greek, or Croatian or Cypriot could tell you, or indeed anyone with a better grasp of history than yourself, also including, at times, parts of northern Italy, Crete, Cyprus, The Morea, The Dalmatian Islands- well, I could go on, but why should I bother educating you at my expense. I can't see any point in continuing an argument with someone whose grasp of facts is limited to second-hand information from the C.I.A. and their own biased opinions.
1,070 years of republican government. ONE THOUSAND AND SEVENTY CONTINUOUS YEARS. Based on a city state, indeed, but as any Northern Italian, or Greek, or Croatian or Cypriot could tell you, or indeed anyone with a better grasp of history than yourself, also including, at times, parts of northern Italy, Crete, Cyprus, The Morea, The Dalmatian Islands- well, I could go on, but why should I bother educating you at my expense. I can't see any point in continuing an argument with someone whose grasp of facts is limited to second-hand information from the C.I.A. and their own biased opinions.
I said the American Republic was the first of the large democracies, both in its geographic reach and its population. Read my Lips. NOT CITY STATES. It's been long established the Athenian model of Democracy works, but not the Federal Republican system created by the United States designed to deal with a large unified continental Republic. -- The system was met initially with. Everyone expected the experiment to fail. That was the general sentiment of the time. And no, I don't care for another link for another leftist intellectual lunatic who is going to tell me the earth is flat because those cruel Americans made it so.
But of course, we have to hear about the Venetian Republic and Iceland, which skirts the point entirely. With alll your ranting, raving and pointless mind numbing left-wing links that spew nothing but opinions, you have yet to answer directly the point.
What you're doing Molly is to tell me the color of your shirt when I ask for the time of day. And it's truly sad when you can't answer a point directly, but instead drag it indefinately with examples and cases that doesn't even qualify as a point of rebuttal.
But of course, you'll just ignore that and tell me City States and a large Island populated by a handful of settlers matter just as much and should be considered the large scale democratic republics we were supposed to be discussing. Or perhaps you'll claim that I somehow didn't quantify the parameters of the discussion clearly enough for you.
I'm out of here. You can talk talk to yourself and maybe the void will agree with you and you'll be happy in your Australian outback.