Originally posted by Richard Bruns
I am very curious about the comments about reinstating the draft. I have not heard of anyone, anywhere seriously recommending it. Yet the speaker feels compelled to argue against people who support it. Has anyone else heard of someone truly supporting the draft?
I am very curious about the comments about reinstating the draft. I have not heard of anyone, anywhere seriously recommending it. Yet the speaker feels compelled to argue against people who support it. Has anyone else heard of someone truly supporting the draft?
The concept did not make it into the speech, of course, but it is my understanding that it was in early speech drafts. I have not heard serious discussion of this since that time, but I would be willing to bet that Rep. Paul's sources are a hell of a lot better than mine.
Actually, the northern alliance is and always has been the government of Afghanistan that was officially recognised by the United Nations. The USA was not making a unilateral decision in supporting them; we were acting in accordance to official UN policy.
- Scipio