"This stuff will be like a red flag to him."
It is a bit annoying when people still don't realise that the US bubble has gone * pop *
"I have seen industries (medical devices, pharma) where it is easier to install new techs (in terms of getting labor reduction savings...i.e. easier to fire people."
Depends on the country and the circumstances. I'd really want to knock some sense into those economists that do labour market studies. The lawsuits in the US and the multi-page manuals "how to fire correctly so not to end up with punitive damages" are a cost, too.
"I don't think that there is any lack of willingness to invest in new production equipment by Euros. Certainly they do this with new facilities."
Investment isn't the problem. Where we need improvement is capital productivity.
"The other big difference is that there is just plain more technology development going on in the US. Things like analytical instruments being invented, modified, and light manufactured."
"*Rest of World: (sorry, Roland) even the Euro conglomerates tend to talk of NA and ROW.
When they are in NA and/or talk to NAians.
"This stuff will be like a red flag to him."
It is a bit annoying when people still don't realise that the US bubble has gone * pop *
"I have seen industries (medical devices, pharma) where it is easier to install new techs (in terms of getting labor reduction savings...i.e. easier to fire people."
Depends on the country and the circumstances. I'd really want to knock some sense into those economists that do labour market studies. The lawsuits in the US and the multi-page manuals "how to fire correctly so not to end up with punitive damages" are a cost, too.
"I don't think that there is any lack of willingness to invest in new production equipment by Euros. Certainly they do this with new facilities."
Investment isn't the problem. Where we need improvement is capital productivity.
"The other big difference is that there is just plain more technology development going on in the US. Things like analytical instruments being invented, modified, and light manufactured."

"*Rest of World: (sorry, Roland) even the Euro conglomerates tend to talk of NA and ROW.

When they are in NA and/or talk to NAians.
